
What to Know About the “Train-Wreck” #PASEN Republican Primary

Failed candidate and sore loser Sean Parnell’s campaign announcement kicks off ugly GOP primary fight

In response to failed congressional candidate Sean Parnell’s entrance into the “train-wreck Republican Senate primary, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee spokesperson Amanda Sherman released the following statement: 

“Sean Parnell’s entrance into the race means Pennsylvania’s Republican Senate primary is going to get even uglier, fast. These GOP candidates have been rejected by voters in every campaign they’ve run, and now they’re only focused on fighting each other to get Trump’s support — not standing up for everyday Pennsylvanians.”

Here’s what to know about the “train-wreck” GOP Senate primary:

  • The nasty GOP primary is off and running with Bartos and a dozen GOP leaders and elected officials throwing cold water on Parnell hours before he entered the race. Bartos’ campaign set the tone for what is sure to be a nasty and drawn out primary by stomping on Parnell’s launch with a letter from a dozen GOP party leaders and elected officials calling on Parnell not to run and backing Bartos. 
  • PA Republicans are competing in a “super MAGA Trump’ primary” — setting the stage for a nasty fight for Trump’s support. While Parnell has ties to Trump and Trump Jr., his primary opponent Jeff Bartos traveled to Mar-a-Lago for a donor retreat and supported Trump’s election challenge in PA. 
  • Parnell’s primary opponent Bartos has the resources to make the GOP primary expensive. A wealthy developer, Bartos raised $1.2 million in the Q1 (including self-financing $400,000) and has a super PAC backing him which has raised $750,000
  • Both Parnell and Bartos lost their last campaigns and have already been rejected by Pennsylvania voters. Parnell lost his house race and refused to concede, while Bartos lost his race for Lt. Governor in 2018. 


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