
“The Gloves Are Off” – Herschel Walker Ripped By GOP Rivals

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “Review of Walker’s business record reveals lawsuits from creditors, exaggerated claims”

MSNBC: “Herschel Walker fumbles again, this time on evolution”

Fox News: “Demolition derby in Georgia as Herschel Walker’s GOP primary rivals slam the Senate front-runner”

It has been a brutal week for Herschel Walker, who has come under fire for making “exaggerated claims” about his “default, settlement and lawsuit” filled business record, faced scrutiny for casting doubt on the science behind evolution, and was slammed with “scathing” attacks from rivals who charge Walker is running an “autograph tour” and “entitlement campaign” as “the gloves are off” in Georgia’s GOP Senate primary.   

See for yourself:

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: It’s not an ‘autograph tour.’ Herschel Walker’s GOP opponents rip their rival

  • The gloves are off in the Republican race for U.S. Senate.
  • Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black was long the only GOP candidate willing to bash Walker over his history of violent behavior, confusing remarks and tightlipped approach to the media.
  • Now the other top Republican contenders are getting in on the act.
  • Former Navy SEAL Latham Saddler told us in an interview that Walker was running an “entitlement campaign” based on his celebrity as a former football player.
  • “He abandoned Georgia, came back just to run for the United States Senate. And he’s… expecting to be handed this thing. In a great state like ours, a U.S. Senate race should be difficult,” said Saddler. “It should have to be earned. And that’s what Georgians want and expect. They want leadership. They want people that will show up. I mean, it’s clear he’s not willing to debate any of us.”
  • Kelvin King… this week penned an op-Ed that he shared with your Insiders. Here’s a snippet: “Herschel Walker talks about working hard and fighting for the interests of Georgians, yet he works behind the scenes to ensure a level of celebrity comfort and elusiveness, separating himself from the questions and engagement that Georgians demand. This is a campaign – not an autograph tour for those who can pay an access fee.”
  • And Black, of course, has only sharpened his message. Look no further than the scathing digital ad we first told you about in yesterday’s jolt.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: The Jolt (March 16, 2022)

  • Herschel Walker’s closest rival, Gary Black, has a new digital attack ad opening with the bleak advisory, “Warning: Viewer Discretion is Advised.”
  • The two-minute ad spot then asks viewers to imagine how Democrats will treat the football star if he’s the GOP nominee.
  • They include accusations that Walker physically abused and threatened his ex-wife, mistress and other women, along with a claim that he’s “hiding” from tough questions from the media.
  • “We have to wonder, how many more women are out there? And what stories might they tell? Now, ask yourself, are you still thinking about voting for Herschel Walker?”

Fox News: Demolition derby in Georgia as Herschel Walker’s GOP primary rivals slam the Senate front-runner

  •  [Walker’s] rivals appear to be going for the jugular.
  • Taking the lead is Gary Black, a cattle farmer and Georgia’s elected agriculture commissioner, who on Wednesday went up with a scathing digital ad that spotlights alleged past violent behavior by Walker, including an alleged incident where Walker held a razor to his ex-wife’s throat, choked her, and later put a gun to her head.
  • The campaign’s spending five figures right now to run the ad digitally across Georgia, and that they’re considering airing a shorter version of the spot on TV.
  • Republican Senate candidate Kelvin King charged in comments to the Atlanta Journal Constitution that “Herschel Walker talks about working hard and fighting for the interests of Georgians, yet he works behind the scenes to ensure a level of celebrity comfort and elusiveness, separating himself from the questions and engagement that Georgians demand. This is a campaign – not an autograph tour for those who can pay an access fee.”
  • Saddler, in comments to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, noted that Walker had lived in Texas for years before moving back to Georgia to run for the Senate. “He abandoned Georgia,” Sadler charged.

The Hill: Herschel Walker GOP opponent rolls out ad, website devoted to abuse allegations

  • Georgia Senate Republican candidate Gary Black released an attack ad and an entire website devoted to allegations of abuse surrounding Senate challenger Herschel Walker.
  • “He threatened to kill women. He threatened to kill cops. After the violence, the abuse, the stalking, the death threats, Herschel Walker still has not been forthright with the people of Georgia, not about his violent behavior or the threats he has made against women and police,” the narrator can be heard saying in the ad.

SUNDAY MORNING A1 FRONT PAGE – Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Review of Walker’s business record reveals lawsuits from creditors, exaggerated claims

Fox 54 (Augusta): “Walker…came under fire after an article brought to light a controversial business record

  • Herschel Walker… came under fire Friday after an article brought to light a controversial business record.

MSNBC: Herschel Walker’s latest problem: A controversial business record

  • If nothing else, at least Herschel Walker can point to his private-sector background, right? Actually, no, that’s problematic, too.

Washington Post (Opinion): New revelations about Herschel Walker show how Democrats could hold the Senate

  • The details are quite something. First, it seems Walker has been using the Trump technique of claiming that his companies are extraordinarily successful when the truth is far different — what ordinary people call “lying.”

HuffPost: Herschel Walker Skeptical Of Evolution: ‘Why Are There Still Apes? Think About It’

  • Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker cast doubt on the theory of evolution in recent remarks, saying the fact that apes and humans coexist disproves accepted science.
  • “At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not? … If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it,” Walker said in an appearance at Sugar Hill Church in Georgia on Sunday.
  • Walker further dismissed scientific progress, saying science “can’t do” the “conception of a baby.”

Washington Post: Senate candidate Herschel Walker questions evolution, asking, ‘Why are there still apes?’

  • The statements are the latest eyebrow-raising comments by Walker. In January, the Daily Beast reported on an August 2020 podcast appearance in which Walker promoted a “mist” that he claimed would “kill any covid on your body.”

MSNBC: Herschel Walker fumbles again, this time on evolution

  • We’re reminded anew why Herschel Walker’s team has tried to limit the Georgia Republican’s public appearances.

CNN: Herschel Walker doesn’t understand how evolution works. ‘Why are there still apes?’

NPR: Georgia GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker questions evolution


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