
Spineless Senate Republicans’ Latest Unqualified, Anti-Choice Judicial Pick a Direct Threat to Health Care Law

Sarah Pitlyk Lacks “Any Trial or Even Real Litigation Experience” & Took On “Legal Cases That Give Her a Chance to Undermine the Foundations of Roe v. Wade

Senate Republicans just voted to confirm another unqualified and uncompromisingly anti-choice judicial nominee. Sarah Pitlyk earned an “embarrassing ‘not qualified’ rating” from the American Bar Association for her lack of “any trial or even real litigation experience,” and has an alarming record of pushing a rigidly anti-choice agenda that would bar women from making their own health care decisions — including opposing in vitro fertilization, working to allow employers to discriminate against women who use birth control, and taking aim at Roe v. Wade.

“Sarah Pitlyk has never tried a case in state or federal court and she’s dedicated her career to pushing an uncompromising agenda that threatens women’s health and coverage protections for millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions,” said DSCC spokesperson Stewart Boss. “Spineless Senate Republicans have made it their mission to stack the courts with whichever unqualified partisans Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell present them with — proving yet again that they’re more concerned with following orders from their party leaders than protecting their constituents.”

Despite her lack of legal experience, Sarah Pitlyk’s record is clear about the threat she poses to women’s health and health care protections for millions of Americans.

  • Pitlyk has been a vocal opponent of the Affordable Care Act, denouncing the Supreme Court decision to uphold the law including its coverage protections for people with pre-existing conditions as “unprincipled.” She also called the law’s expanded access to birth control a “grave evil.”


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