
Ron Johnson Praises Corporate Tax-Dodging as “Responsible” Thing to Do

Senator Ron Johnson claims he’s “disappointed but not surprised” by news that after merging with an Irish company, Milwaukee-based Johnson Controls will move its headquarters to Ireland to avoid corporate taxes.

Well, Wisconsin will be “disappointed but not surprised” to learn that Johnson has supported the practice, known as inversion, throughout his time in Washington.

Here’s what he told CNBC about the Johnson Controls decision:

“A hundred fifty million dollars is what they’re going to save. You know if you’re a responsible corporate manager, how can you not take that type of move?”

Here’s a look at his votes to protect corporate inversion and preserve tax breaks for companies shipping U.S. jobs overseas:

End Tax Breaks for Companies that Ship Jobs Overseas and Give Tax Credits to Companies that Create Good Paying U.S. Jobs


[CQ, 3/26/15; S.Con. Res. 11, Vote 104, 3/26/15]

Close Corporate Tax Loopholes for Corporate Inversions and for Companies that Outsource U.S. Jobs


[CQ, 3/26/15, S.Con.Res. 11, Vote 94, 3/26/15]

“Bring Jobs Home Act,” which Would End Tax Breaks for Outsourcing and Incentivize Companies to Bring Overseas Jobs Back to the U.S.


[CQ, 7/30/14, S. 2569, Vote 249, 7/30/14]

[CQ, 7/19/12; S. 3364, Vote 181, 7/19/12]

Preventing Corporate Inversions to Pay for the Creation of a Substance Abuse And Mental Health Capacity Expansion Fund


[CQ, 12/3/15; S.Amdt. 2892 to S.Amdt. 2874 to H.R. 3762, Vote 317, 12/3/15]

“Sorry, Senator Johnson, we know how to Google so no one is fooled by your ‘disappointment’ in the inversions you’ve voted to protect for years,” said Lauren Passalacqua, DSCC National Press Secretary. “Wisconsin families and small businesses deserve and expect more.”

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