
QUICK CLIP: Senator Ron Johnson Admits American Rescue Plan Will “Go To Help People” But He Still Opposes It

Johnson on Democrats’ Relief Package: “It Will Go To Help People, No Doubt About It”

In a new interview on WISN yesterday, Senator Ron Johnson admitted that he knows President Joe Biden and Senate Democrats’ comprehensive COVID-19 rescue package will help hardworking Americans struggling to get through this unprecedented public health and economic crisis, but he still remains rigidly opposed to the bill. Johnson is doubling down on his reckless objections to the American Rescue Plan even as he agreed the popular package would “go to help people” at a time when more than 6,000 Wisconsinites have died from COVID-19 and countless more have been affected by this pandemic and the economic fallout.

“Senator Johnson has finally admitted the truth: he knows the American Rescue Plan will ‘help people’ but he’s more interested in playing political games in Washington than delivering relief to his own constituents,” said DSCC spokesperson Shea Necheles. “Voters won’t forget that an ultra-rich politician like Senator Johnson had no problem voting for a massive tax giveaway to giant corporations and wealthy donors that added nearly $2 trillion to the debt but fought against urgently needed resources for Wisconsinites during this pandemic.”


Johnson: “Listen when you spend trillions of dollars it will go to help people, no doubt about it.”

The American Rescue Plan will deliver direct relief checks to people who need them, expand vaccine distribution to get shots into people’s arms faster, extend emergency unemployment insurance, protect renters and homeowners, fund state and local governments to keep first responders and health care workers on the job, and provide the resources to ensure schools can safely reopen. There is overwhelming public support across party lines for the plan: nearly seven in 10 Americans support President Biden and Senate Democrats’ bill and three-fourths of Americans support the additional direct relief checks.


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