
Portman Criticized For Opposing Equal Pay Legislation

Last week, Rob Portman tried to tout his support from women in an attempt to distract from his record voting against equal pay legislation and supporting reckless efforts to defund Planned Parenthood. (Is it any surprise that Strickland is far outpolling Portman among women?) But the Ohio Democratic Women’s Caucus wasn’t going to let him get away with that. They challenged Portman to return 23% of his paycheck since Ohio women still earn just 77 cents on the dollar compared to men.


Ohio Dems counter Ann Romney visit: Ann Romney will be in Cleveland tomorrow to help GOP Sen. Rob Portman launch a “Women for Portman” group at a luncheon, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported. Democrats will counter the effort with a release asking Portman to return 23 percent of his paycheck because Ohio women earn just 77 cents on the dollar compared to Ohio men. “Whether it’s blocking Ohio women from earning a fair day’s pay, voting to defund breast cancer screenings, or trying to control the private health care decisions women make for themselves and their families, Senator Portman has voted time and time again with Washington special interests and against Ohio women,” said Kathy DiCristofaro, the head of the Ohio Democratic Women’s Caucus. Strickland has a double-digit lead over Portman among women in most recent polling.

 Cleveland Plain Dealer:

Compare average wages for men and women. Women make 77 cents — or 78 cents, depending on the year and other factors measured — for every dollar in a man’s paycheck. (Wait for it, folks, before you start saying “but…but…but.”)

And since U.S. Sen. Rob Portman, a Republican, refused to support the Paycheck Fairness Act in 2012, 2014 and 2015, Ohio Democrats on Friday issued a request: Give back 23 percent of your paycheck.

“If Senator Portman believes Ohio women deserve just 77 percent of the paychecks they earn, he ought to be willing to take just 77 percent of his $174,000 Senate salary,” Ohio Democratic Women’s Caucus Chairwoman Kathy DiCristofaro said in seeking the refund. “So, Ohio women are calling on Portman to put his own money where his mouth is and give 23 percent of his paycheck back to the taxpayers.” 

…Women prefer Strickland over Portman by 52 percent to 34 percent, according to the most recent Quinnipiac poll, released Oct. 8. Portman particularly struggles to attract support from black women.

Associated Press:

As the Portman event was announced, Ohio Democratic Women’s Caucus chairwoman Kathy DiCristofaro questioned the Cincinnati senator’s voting record on women’s issues.

“Whether it’s blocking Ohio women from earning a fair day’s pay, voting to defund breast cancer screenings or trying to control the private health care decisions women make for themselves and their families, Sen. Portman has voted time and time again with Washington special interests and against Ohio women,” she said.

The caucus issued a challenge to Portman to give back 23 percent of his $174,000 Senate paycheck, saying that would bring it on par with the 77 cents-on-the-dollar that the average Ohio woman earns as compared to the average Ohio man. That same challenge was lobbed at Strickland when he was governor.

Columbus Dispatch:

On the same day that more than 200 women signed up to support U.S. Sen. Rob Portman at a campaign event in Columbus, the Ohio Democratic Women’s Caucus accused Portman of not supporting equal pay for women.

The caucus challenged Portman, a Republican, to give back 23 percent of his salary from the Senate to represent the fact that Ohio women earn 77 cents on the dollar compared to men, according to a Friday news release from the caucus.

“If Senator Portman believes Ohio women deserve just 77 percent of the paychecks they earn, he ought to be willing to take just 77 percent of his $174,000 Senate salary,” Kathy DiCristofaro, Ohio Democratic Women’s Caucus chairwoman, said in the release.

The caucus says Portman voted against paycheck fairness multiple times, among other actions that work against women…

…The latest Quinnipiac poll shows Portman trailing Strickland by a few points.

Buckeye Country 105.5:

Ohio Women for Portman are responding to a request for a federal lawmaker from Ohio to give up some of his paycheck.

The request from the Ohio Democratic Women’s Caucus chair asks Senator Rob Portman to give up 23 percent of his salary. Portman earns 174-thousand a year as a Senator.


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