
Pat Toomey’s Disappointing Records For Veterans

*Similar releases will be sent targeting candidates in New Hampshire, Missouri, Wisconsin, Ohio, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Florida

This week, we take time to honor the sacrifice our veterans have made. Unfortunately for Pennsylvania veterans, Senator Pat Toomey has repeatedly blocked bills to boost health, education and job training programs. Toomey even blocked a proposal the Veterans of Foreign Wars hailed as the “most comprehensive veterans legislation to be introduced in decades,” but that the Koch bothers opposed. Just last week, Koch front group Americans for Prosperity told Politico they’re impressed with Toomey’s voting record.

“It’s bad enough that Senator Toomey takes his cues from the Koch brothers, but he’s done so at the expense of Pennsylvania veterans and their families,” said Lauren Passalacqua, DSCC National Press Secretary. “Pennsylvania deserves better than a Senator who puts the outside special interest groups ahead of the best interests of veterans.”


Toomey Voted To Block The Veterans Jobs Corps Act.  In September 2012, Toomey voted against a: “motion to waive all applicable budget laws with respect to the Sessions, R-Ala., point of order against the Murray, D-Wash., substitute amendment no. 2789 that would require states to issue certain licenses for trade jobs such as plumbing or truck driving to veterans without requiring training or apprenticeships if the veterans pass examinations and have at least 10 years of experience in related military occupations.” The motion was rejected 58-40. [CQ, 9/19/12; S. Amendment 2789 to S. 3457, Vote 193, 9/19/12]

  • The Bill Would Have Created A Veterans’ Jobs Corps, Provided Assistance For Servicemembers To Transition Into Civilian Life Through Training Programs, And Made A Veteran’s Active-Duty Military Service A Qualification For Certification Or Licensing For Certain Jobs. “The bill, sponsored by Bill Nelson, D-Fla., would create a veterans’ jobs corps, an Obama administration priority. It would provide assistance for servicemembers to transition into civilian life through mentoring and training programs. And it would require authorities to consider a veteran’s active-duty military service as a qualification for certification or licensing for certain jobs, such as emergency medical technicians. Murray, chairwoman of the Veterans’ Affairs panel, said the cost of the bill, $1 billion over five years, is offset. On Wednesday, she took to the floor to defend the measure and criticize the GOP opposition. ‘Instead of saying yes to the nearly 1 million unemployed veterans, it seems some on the other side have spent the last week and a half seeking out any way to say no,’ Murray said.” [Congressional Quarterly, 9/19/12]

Toomey Voted Against Veterans Package To Expand Medical, Educational And Other Benefits For Veterans. In February 2014, Toomey voted against a: “Sanders, I-Vt., motion to waive all applicable budget laws with respect to the Sessions, R-Ala., point of order against the bill that would extend and expand health care and education benefits and job-assistance programs for veterans and their families.” The motion was rejected by a vote of 56-41. [CQ, 2/27/14; S. 1982, Vote 46, 2/27/14]

  • The Hill’s Floor Action: “Senate Republicans Stopped Democrats From Advancing A Bill That Would Have Expanded Healthcare And Education Programs For Veterans.” “Senate Republicans stopped Democrats from advancing a bill that would have expanded healthcare and education programs for veterans. In a 56-41 vote Thursday, the motion to waive a budget point of order against the bill failed, as Democrats fell short of the 60 votes needed to overcome the Republican roadblock. GOP Sens. Dean Heller (Nev.) and Jerry Moran (Kan.) voted with Democrats.” [The Hill, Floor Action, 2/27/14]
  • Veterans Of Foreign Wars: The Veterans Health And Benefits And Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act Is “The Most Comprehensive Veterans Legislation To Be Introduced In Decades.” “Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman, Bernie Sanders introduced the Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014. The bill, S. 1950, is the most comprehensive veterans legislation to be introduced in decades. It addresses many of the VFW’s legislative priority goals, including a full repeal of the military retiree one percent COLA reduction that penalizes working-age military retirees and their families.” [Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1/23/14]
  • Paul Rieckhoff Of Iraq And Afghanistan Veterans Of America: S.1982 “Would Accomplish Many Of The Goals For Which Veterans And Military Service Organizations Have Been Advocating For Years.” “This legislation would accomplish many of the goals for which veterans and military service organizations have been advocating for years, including strengthening the Post-9/11 GI Bill, expanding advance appropriations for more of the VA’s budget, expanding dental care coverage for veterans, expanding benefits for surviving spouses, expanding care related to military sexual trauma, instituting new rules for VA’s claims processing reports, and much more.” [Paul Rieckhoff, Iraq And Afghanistan Veterans Of America,1/21/14]
  • Darin Senick Of Concerned Veterans For America: “We’re Opposed To The Bill” Because It “Increases Mission Creep.” “Representatives of AMVETS and Concerned Veterans for America said their groups support the bill’s provision to repeal caps on annual cost-of-living increases in military retired pay, but feel the broader legislation would burden a VA that still has a backlog of 400,000 benefits claims and faces problems providing timely, adequate health care for its current beneficiaries. ‘We’re opposed to the bill basically because it’s bad for veterans and bad for VA. It increases mission creep and reduces VA’s ability to properly serve veterans,’ said Darin Senick, VA adviser for Concerned Veterans Of America.” [Military Times, 2/4/14]
  • Concerned Veterans For America “Was Funded Almost Entirely By” The Koch Dark Money Group The TC4 Trust. “The Washington Post and the Center for Responsive Politics identified a coalition of allied conservative groups active in the 2012 elections that together raised at least $407 million, backed by a donor network organized by the industrialists Charles and David Koch. Most of the funds originated with two groups, the Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce and TC4 Trust, both of which routed some of the money through a Phoenix-based nonprofit group called the Center to Protect Patient Rights (CPPR). […] Concerned Veterans for America, which in 2012 held events spotlighting the unemployment rate among veterans and the difficulties members of the military face in casting ballots. The group was funded almost entirely by TC4 in 2012.” [Washington Post, 1/5/14]

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