

Press Releases

QUICK CLIP: Ernst Misleads on Pre-Existing Conditions Protections — Has Voted Repeatedly to Eliminate Them

5 years ago

Press Releases

Trainwreck TV Interview: Tillis Dogged by Health Care, Hypocrisy of Skipped VA Hearing & That Olympic Gold Flip-Flop

5 years ago

Press Releases

While Republican Senators Do Nothing, “Ominous” and “Unexpected Threat” Emerges in GOP’s Dangerous Lawsuit Against Healt...

5 years ago

Press Releases

Collins a “Top Senate Target” After Failing to Put Mainers First

5 years ago

Press Releases

“Fearful” McSally Tries Campaign Reset, Immediately Repeats Mistakes & Could “Lose Not One but Two Senate Seats”

5 years ago

Press Releases

Vulnerable Senate Republicans Are Stuck With the “Least Sympathetic Man in Washington” [HuffPost]

5 years ago

Press Releases

DSCC Endorses Sara Gideon in Maine Senate Campaign

5 years ago

Press Releases

Spineless Senate Republicans Just Confirmed More Anti-Health Care Judges

5 years ago

Press Releases

As Republicans Try to Run From Their Toxic Health Care Record, Trump Touts GOP’s Lawsuit to Gut Pre-Existing Conditions Protecti...

5 years ago

Press Releases

Spineless Senate Republicans “On Edge” as Trump Threatens Another Toxic GOP Health Care Plan [The Hill]

5 years ago

Press Releases

NEW DIGITAL VIDEO: DSCC Highlights Ernst’s Record of Helping Special Interests at Iowa’s Expense

5 years ago

Press Releases

Senator David Perdue’s Big Idea: Target Medicare and Social Security to Pay for Corporate Tax Cuts

5 years ago

Press Releases

Cornyn Looks To Put Medicare and Social Security On The Chopping Block As His Corporate Tax Giveaway Sends Deficit Surging

5 years ago

Press Releases

ICYMI: McConnell’s Political Allies Got “Special Path” At Department of Transportation, Raising Ethics Flags

5 years ago

Press Releases

NEW Report: McConnell’s “Favored Projects” Got “Special Advantage” From Department of Transportation [POLITICO]

5 years ago


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