
NEW DSCC AD: Washington’s Been Good to Roy Blunt, But Roy Blunt Hasn’t Been Good to Missouri

Blunt’s net worth has increased by up to $7 million and has voted to increase his own pay 12 times


The DSCC released its first ad in Missouri today, highlighting how Senator Roy Blunt and his family have profited from his two decades in Washington. Since being in Congress, Blunt’s voted to increase his own pay twelve times, and has seen his personal net worth increase by up to $7 million. Washington’s been good to Senator Blunt and his family of registered lobbyists, but while he’s cleaned up in Washington, hard-working Missourians are the ones left behind.


The ad, “Just Fine” can be viewed HERE.


“Senator Roy Blunt has spent the last two decades in Washington voting to raise his own pay and cashing in on the connections of his family of registered lobbyists, but it’s Missouri families who get left behind,” said Sadie Weiner, DSCC Communications Director. “After 20 years in Washington, Senator Blunt is now worth up to $7 million, while working families in Missouri struggle to make ends meet. It’s clear that Roy Blunt has been in Washington too long, and Missouri deserves a Senator like Jason Kander who will put their interests first.”





V/O: Life’s been good to Roy Blunt during his two decades in Washington.


GFX: Roy Blunt


V/O: He’s voted to increase his own pay 12 times.


GFX: Voted 12 times to increase his own pay

Source: Vote 85, 2/25/09; Vote 580, 6/27/07; Vote 261, 6/13/06; Vote 327, 6/28/05; Vote 451, 9/14/04; Vote 463, 9/4/03; Vote 322, 7/18/02; Vote 267, 7/25/01; Vote 419, 7/20/00; Vote 300, 7/15/99;; Vote 662, 12/21/10; Vote 435, 9/24/97





Blunt Has Been A Washington DC Politician Since 1997. Blunt was “elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Fifth and to the six succeeding Congresses,” beginning his service on January 3, 1997. [Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, Roy Blunt, Accessed 9/14/16]




2010: Blunt Voted Against The FY 2011 Continuing Apportions Bill. In December 2010, Blunt voted against: “Obey, D-Wis., motion to concur in the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the Senate amendment to the bill. The Senate amendment would continue most appropriations at fiscal 2010-enacted levels through March 4, 2011. The measure would provide an overall annualized spending rate that is $1.16 billion more than fiscal 2010 levels. It would provide additional funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Pell grants. It also would allow the awarding of a Navy contract for shipbuilding of Littoral Combat Ships to multiple suppliers.” The bill passed 193- 165.” [CQ, 12/21/10; HR 3082, Vote 662, 12/21/10]


  • CNN Money: The Bill Included A “Two-Year Freeze In Pay For Federal Workers.” “With a government shutdown looming, Congress approved a temporary spending bill late Tuesday that will fund the government for another 10 weeks. […] While a continuing resolution puts government spending on autopilot, the version under consideration does include some adjustments to spending levels, including the two-year freeze in pay for federal workers that President Obama called for in November. And the measure will leave key Democratic legislative victories — like health care and financial reform — with less funding than if the massive $1.1 trillion “omnibus” extension killed by Republicans last week had passed.” [CNN Money, 12/21/10]


  • Congressional Research Service: The 2011 Continuing Appropriations Bill, P.L. 111-322, Prevented A 1.3% Member Pay Increase. Additionally, P.L. 111-322 prevented any adjustment in GS base pay before December 31, 2012. Since the percentage adjustment in Member pay may not exceed the percentage adjustment in the base pay of GS employees, Member pay was also frozen during this period. If not limited by GS pay, Member pay could have been adjusted by 1.3% in 2012. […] Table 3. Legislative Vehicles Denying or Delaying Pay Adjustments, Enacted Dates, and Pay Language: […] 2012 H.R. 3082, 111th Congress P.L. 111-322 December 22, 2010 Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extensions Act, 2011k.” [Congressional Research Service, “Salaries of Members of Congress: Recent Actions and Historical Tables,” 2/23/16]


Feb. 2009: Blunt Voted Against Incorporating A Provision Into An Appropriations Bill Blocking The Automatic Cost-Of-Living Adjustment For Members Of Congress In 2010. In February 2010, Blunt voted against: “Adoption of the rule (H Res 184) that would provide for House floor consideration of the bill that would provide fiscal 2009 appropriations for federal departments and agencies covered by nine unfinished fiscal 2009 spending bills. The rule contains self-executing language, that upon adoption, would incorporate a provision to block the automatic cost-of-living adjustment for members of Congress in 2010.” The rule was adopted by a 398-24 vote. [CQ, 2/25/09; H.Res. 184, Vote 85, 2/25/09]


Jun. 2007: Blunt Voted To Advance A Bill That Would Appropriate $43.9 Billion In FY2008 For The Treasury Department, OPM, Other Agencies, And Washington, D.C. In June 2007, Blunt voted for a: “Matsui, D-Calif., motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and possibility of amendment) on adoption of the rule (H Res 517), with an amendment, to provide for House floor consideration of the bill that would appropriate $43.9 billion in fiscal 2008 for the Department of the Treasury, Office of Personnel Management and other agencies, and the District of Columbia.” The motion was agreed to by a 244-181 vote. [CQ, 6/27/07; H.R. 517, Vote 580, 6/27/07]


  • Associated Press: “Despite Record-Low Approval Ratings, House Lawmakers […] Voted To Accept An Approximately $4,400 Pay Raise That Will Increase Their Salaries To Almost $170,000.” “Despite record-low approval ratings, House lawmakers Wednesday voted to accept an approximately $4,400 pay raise that will increase their salaries to almost $170,000. The cost-of-living raise gets lawmakers back on track for automatic pay raises after a fight between Democrats and Republicans last year and again in January killed the pay hike due this year. That was the first interruption of the annual congressional pay hike in seven years. The blowup came after Democrats last year fulfilled a campaign promise to deny themselves a pay hike until Congress raised the minimum wage. Delays in the minimum wage bill cost every lawmaker about $3,100 this year. On a 244-181 vote Wednesday, Democrats and Republicans alike killed a bid by Reps. Jim Matheson, D-Utah, and Lee Terry, R-Neb., to get a direct vote to block the COLA, which is automatically awarded unless lawmakers vote to block it. The Senate has not indicated when it will deal with a similar measure.” [Associated Press, 6/28/07]


Jun. 2006: Blunt Voted To Advance A Bill That Would Provide FY2007 Funding For The Transportation Department, Treasury, And Department Of Housing And Urban Development, As Well As The Judiciary And Washington D.C. In June 2006, Blunt voted for a: “L. Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and the possibility of amendment) on adoption of the rule (H Res 865) to provide for House floor consideration of the bill that would provide fiscal 2007 funding for the Departments of Transportation, Treasury, and Housing and Urban Development as well as the judiciary and the District of Columbia.” The motion was agreed to by a 249-167 vote. [CQ, 6/13/06; H.Res. 865, Vote 261, 6/13/06]


  • Associated Press: “Despite Record Low Approval Ratings, House Lawmakers Tuesday Embraced A $3,300 Pay Raise That Will Increase Their Salaries To $168,500. “Despite record low approval ratings, House lawmakers Tuesday embraced a $3,300 pay raise that will increase their salaries to $168,500. The 2 percent cost-of-living raise would be the seventh straight for members of the House and Senate. Lawmakers easily squelched a bid by Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah, to get a direct vote to block the COLA, which is automatically awarded unless lawmakers vote to block it.” [Associated Press, 6/14/06]


Jun. 2005: Blunt Voted To Advance A Bill That Would Provide $139.1 Billion In FY2006 For The Departments Of Transportation, Treasury, And Housing And Urban Development, As Well As The Judiciary And Washington, D.C. In June 2005, Blunt voted for a: “L. Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and the possibility of amendment) on adoption of the rule (H Res 342) to provide for House floor consideration of the bill that would provide $139.1 billion in fiscal 2006 for the Departments of Transportation, Treasury, and Housing and Urban Development as well as the judiciary and the District of Columbia.” The motion was agreed to by a 263-152 vote. [CQ, 6/28/05; H.Res. 342, Vote 327, 6/28/05]


  • The House Voted To Raise Pay By $3,100, Which Increased Congressional Salary To $165,200. “The House on Tuesday agreed to a $3,100 pay raise for Congress next year – to $165,200 – after defeating an effort to roll it back. In a 263-152 vote, the House blocked a bid by Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah, to force an up-or-down vote on the pay raise. Instead, lawmakers will automatically receive the raise – officially a cost of living adjustment – as provided for in a 1989 law that barred them from pocketing big speaking fees in exchange for an annual COLA.” [Associated Press, 6/28/05]


Sep. 2004: Blunt Voted To Advance A Bill That Would Appropriate $89.8 Billion In FY2005 For The Departments Of Treasury And Transportation And Related Agencies. In September 2004, Blunt voted for a: “Reynolds, R-N.Y., motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and possibility of amendment) on adoption of the rule (H Res 770) to provide for House floor consideration of the bill that would appropriate $89.8 billion in fiscal 2005 for the departments of Treasury and Transportation and related agencies.” The motion was agreed to by a 235-170 vote. [CQ, 9/14/04; H.Res. 770, Vote 451, 9/14/04]


  • Associated Press: House Members Voted To Raise Their Pay $4,000. “With little debate, House lawmakers on Tuesday included themselves as part of a pay raise that all federal employees will receive next year. The cost-of-living raise would be the sixth straight for members of the House and Senate, boosting the salaries of lawmakers, now $158,100, by about $4,000 in the new calendar year.” [Associated Press, 9/15/04]


Sep. 2003: Blunt Voted To Advance A Bill That Would Appropriate $89.6 Billion In FY2004 Spending, Including $27.5 Billion In Discretionary Spending For The Departments Of Treasury And Transportation And Related Agencies. In September 2003, Blunt voted for a: “Reynolds, R-N.Y., motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and possibility of amendment) on adoption of the rule (H Res 351) to provide for House floor consideration of the bill that would appropriate $89.6 billion in fiscal 2004 spending, including $27.5 billion in discretionary spending, for the departments of Treasury and Transportation and related agencies.” The motion was agreed to by a 235-170 vote. [CQ, 9/4/03; H.Res. 351, Vote 463, 9/4/03]


  • The Bill Raised Congressional Members’ Pay By About $3,300, For An Annual Salary Of $158,000. “It’s become something of an annual ritual: Rep. Jim Matheson standing up before Congress and scolding it for giving itself an automatic pay raise. But Matheson and those who agreed with him, including Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, lost when the House voted 240-173 not to allow Matheson’s call for a direct vote on the raises. ‘Surprisingly,’ said Matheson, ‘I stand up and speak out, and nobody else says anything.’ Matheson was trying to halt a raise that would increase members’ pay by about $3,300 a year, from the current $154,700 to about $158,000 next year. The House members decided to allow themselves a fifth straight cost-of-living raise after rejecting them for several years during the 1990s. Their annual pay has risen from $136,700 in 1999 to about $158,000 in 2004, if the legislation clears Congress and is signed by the president.” [Associated Press, 9/5/03]


Jul. 2002: Blunt Voted To Advance A Bill That Would Allocate $35.1 Billion In FY2003 Treasury-Postal Appropriations. In July 2002, Blunt voted for a: “Linder, R-Ga., motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and possibility of amendment) on adoption of the resolution (H Res 488) to provide for House floor consideration of the bill that would allocate $35.1 billion in fiscal 2003 Treasury-Postal appropriations.” The motion was agreed to by a 258-156 vote. [CQ, 7/18/02; H.Res. 488, Vote 322, 7/18/02]


  • House Members Voted To Raise Their Pay By $5,000 Per Year. “Lawmakers appear ready to give themselves another pay raise, their fourth in four years. If the raise, about $5,000 a year, goes into effect, rank-and-file members of Congress would receive $155,000, an increase of more than $20,000 over the past decade. Under a 1989 law, congressional pay raises, determined by a complicated formula that includes a measure of private industry employment costs, go into effect automatically unless lawmakers vote to block it. House lawmakers cleared the way Thursday for the salary hike.” [Associated Press, 7/19/02]


Jul. 2001: Blunt Voted To Advance A Bill That Would Appropriate $32.7 Billion In FY2002 For The Treasury Department, Postal Service, Independent Agencies, And Certain Offices In The Executive Office Of The President. In July 2001, Blunt voted for a: “Linder, R-Ga., motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and the possibility of amendment) on adoption of the rule (H Res 206) to provide for House floor consideration of the bill that would appropriate $32.7 billion in fiscal 2002 for the Treasury Department, U.S. Postal Service, various offices of the Executive Office of the President and certain independent agencies.” The motion was agreed to by a 293-129 vote. [CQ, 7/25/01; H.Res. 206, Vote 267, 7/25/01]


  • The Vote Approved A 3.4% Pay Raise For Members Of Congress. “House members managed to dodge a vote Wednesday on an effort to stop their own cost-of-living pay raise. The 3.4 percent raise takes effect for all of Congress on Oct. 1 unless blocked. Several lawmakers sought to attach amendments stopping the raise to the annual appropriations bill for the Treasury Department, Postal Service and other government operations. That $32.7 billion bill also includes a 4.6 percent pay raise for civilian federal employees. But in a 293-129 procedural vote, the House refused to allow the amendments that would stop the pay raise to be considered. Under the scheduled raise, the pay of a rank-and-file member of Congress will rise from $145,100 to about $150,000. Majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate will see their pay go from $161,200 to about $166,700. The speaker of the House will get about $192,800, up from $186,300.” [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 7/26/01]


Jul. 2000: Blunt Voted To Advance A Bill That Would Appropriate $29.1 Billion In FY2001 For The Treasury Department, Postal Service, And Related Agencies. In July 2000, Blunt voted for a: “Linder, R-Ga., motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and possibility of amendment) on adoption of the rule (H Res 559) to provide for House floor consideration of the bill to appropriate $29.1 billion in fiscal 2001 for the Treasury Department, U.S. Postal Service and related agencies.” The motion was agreed to by a 250-173 vote. [CQ, 7/20/00; H.Res. 560, Vote 419, 7/20/00]


  • Associated Press: “Members Of Congress Seem On The Road To Giving Themselves Their Third Cost-Of-Living Pay Raise In Four Years, A $3,800 Boost[.]” “Members of Congress seem on the road to giving themselves their third cost-of-living pay raise in four years, a $3,800 boost made less politically risky in this era of huge projected budget surpluses. On a 250-173 procedural vote, House opponents of the boost lost their opportunity to derail the increase Thursday. Under a law they passed in 1989, members of Congress automatically get a raise unless they vote to block it.” [Associated Press, 7/21/00]


Jul. 1999: Blunt Voted To Advance A Bill That Would Appropriate $28 Billion For The Treasury Department, Postal Service, And General Government Operations. In July 1999, Blunt voted for a: “Sessions, R-Texas, motion to order the previous question on adoption of the rule (HRes246) to provide for floor consideration of the bill to appropriate $28 billion for the Treasury Department, Postal Service, and general government operations.” The motion was agreed to by a 276-147 vote. [CQ, 7/15/99; H.Res. 246, Vote 300, 7/15/99]


  • Chicago Sun-Times: “The House Voted Overwhelmingly […] To Give Members Of Congress A $4,600 Pay Raise In January And To Double The Next President’s Salary To $400,000.” “The House voted overwhelmingly Thursday to give members of Congress a $ 4,600 pay raise in January and to double the next president’s salary to $ 400,000. Members voted 276-147 to increase their own pay and then 334-82 to reject an effort by conservatives to prevent the increase in the president’s pay.” [Chicago Sun-Times, 7/16/99]



Sep. 1997:  Blunt Voted To Block An Amendment To Block A Congressional Pay Raise. In 1997, Blunt voted in favor of a: “Hoyer, D-Md., motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and the possibility of amendment) on the Hoyer motion to instruct conferees to increase funding for the Exploited Child Unit of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. A ‘nay’ vote would have allowed Smith, R-Wash., to offer an amendment to block a cost-of-living adjustment for members of Congress.” The motion passed 229-199. [CQ, 9/24/97; H.R. 2378, Vote 435, 9/24/97]


  • St. Louis Post-Dispatch: The Bill Cleared The Way For A $3,072 Cost Of Living Increase For Members Of Congress. “Congressional pay remains one of the hottest of hot-button issues for many voters, as Rep. Roy Blunt is finding out. Blunt is a Republican freshman in the House from Springfield, Mo., who voted in favor of measures that cleared the way for a $ 3,072 cost-of-living increase for members of Congress. The House passed the legislation Tuesday by a 220-207 vote, and the Senate approved it Wednesday 55-45, sending it to President Bill Clinton.” [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10/1/97]


  • A Blunt Spokesman Said Most Constituents Opposed The Pay Raise And Added, “Most People Believe Congress In General Isn’t Worth They Money They’re Getting. The Word I Keep Hearing Is ‘Disappointed.’” “Blunt said, ‘I believe keeping the current salary of Congress equal with the rate of inflation is the right thing, and a necessary thing to do to be able to attract people to seek congressional office in the future.’ While that may seem a persuasive argument to many, it’s apparently unpopular in southwest Missouri, where Blunt’s offices have received a large number of calls from disgruntled voters. Dan Wadlington, a spokesman for Blunt, said that, while some callers have been supportive, most have not. ‘Most people believe Congress in general isn’t worth the money they’re getting. The word I keep hearing is ‘disappointed.’’” [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10/1/97]



V/O: Blunt’s net worth? Up to $7 million dollars.


GFX: Roy Blunt’s net worth INCREASED by up to $7 million

Source: Blunt Personal Financial Disclosures





1996: Blunt’s Candidate PFD Showed His Net Worth Was As Low As –$174,994 And As High As $369,997.  According to Roy Blunt’s 1995 Personal Financial Disclosure, his total assets were worth at least $175,006 and as much as $500,000. Blunt’s liabilities totaled at least $130,003 and as much as $350,000. Subtracting Blunt’s liabilities from his assets shows that Blunt had a net worth as low as -$174,994 and as high as $369,997. [Blunt Candidate PFD, 5/14/96]


2015: Blunt’s Net Worth Was Between $748,020 And $7,044,997. According to Roy Blunt’s 2015 Personal Financial Disclosure, his total assets were worth at least $2,098,020 and as much as $7,695,000. Blunt’s liabilities totaled at least $650,003 and as much as $1,350,000. Subtracting Blunt’s liabilities from his assets shows that Blunt had a net worth as low as $748,020 and as high as $7,044,997. [Blunt 2015 PFD, 5/16/16]



V/O: He’s settled into his $1.6 million dollar Washington mansion.


GFX: $1.6 million mansion

Source: DC Real Property Sales Database





Blue Nation Review: “Blunt Has A 7-Bedroom, 4-And-A-Half Bathroom Mansion In The Beltway.” “Meanwhile, this is Blunt’s property in Washington, D.C.: Blunt has a 7-bedroom, 4-and-a-half bathroom mansion in the Beltway and a small condominium he hardly ever visits in his home state.” [Blue Nation Review, 8/30/16]


2011: Abigail Perlman Blunt Purchased Home At 4936 Loughboro Road NW, In Washington D.C For $1.6 Million. Abigail Perlman Blunt purchased the property from Anne Coffey Proctor for $1.625 million on July 11, 2011. [DC Real Property Sales Database, Accessed 7/13/15]


  • Single Family Residence Includes 7 Bedrooms, 4 And Half Bathrooms, And 3 Fireplaces. According to the DC Office of Tax and Revenue, the property features for the 4,183 square foot single family residence include 7 bedrooms, 4 and a half bath rooms, 3 fireplaces, and hardwood floors. [DC Real Property Sales Database, SSL:1436 0032]


  • Current Assessed Value Of The Property Is $1,714,320. According to the DC Office of Tax and Revenue, the current assessed property value of the property for 2015 is $1,714,320. [DC Real Property Sales Database, Accessed 7/13/15]


St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Blunt’s “Elementary-School-Age Son […] Goes To School In Washington. “Part of the domicile question has to do with spousal careers and other family matters.  After she was elected to the Senate, McCaskill’s two daughters finished high school in Missouri. Blunt’s elementary-school-age son — he has adult children from a previous marriage — goes to school in Washington.  Blunt’s wife, Kraft lobbyist Abigail Blunt, is employed in Washington. The couple met here. McCaskill’s husband is Joseph Shepard. His real estate business is centered in St. Louis and they met in Missouri, where he had been established before the marriage.” [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 9/2/16]



V/O: And it’s a family affair. Blunt’s wife and three kids are all lobbyists.


GFX: Blunt Family

Washington Lobbyists

Source: Federal Lobbying Disclosure Act Database; Missouri Ethics Commission


V/O: Washington is working great for Roy Blunt. But how is it working out for you?


GFX: Roy Blunt. He’s been in Washington too long.







Blunt’s Wife Is The Head Of Government Affairs At Kraft Foods In Washington, DC. “The senator is married to a Washington lobbyist, Abigail Blunt, head of government affairs at Kraft Foods Group. His other son, former Gov. Matt Blunt, is a Washington lobbyist for the American auto industry.  And in Jefferson City, Andy Blunt boasts a roster of more than 30 clients — including the Missouri Hospital Association, Dairy Farmers of America, and the Lake of the Ozark Marine Dealers Association, according to reports filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission.” [Springfield News-Leader, 3/18/15]


Washington Examiner: Abigail Blunt Is “Kraft Foods’ Top Lobbyist.” Senators have a tendency to be married to lobbyists. Tom Daschle’s wife, Linda Hall Daschle, is a major transportation lobbyist. Kent Conrad’s wife, Lucy Calutti, is a lobbyist for Major League Baseball. Byron Dorgan’s wife, Kimberly Dorgan, is the top lobbyist fqor the life insurance industry. On the GOP side, Liddy Dole was a Republican senator while her husband, Bob Dole, was a lobbyist. Abby Blunt, wife of Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, is Kraft Foods’ top lobbyist.” [Washington Examiner, 10/6/14]


Q2 2016: Abigail Blunt Lobbied On Behalf Of Kraft Heinz On The Safe And Accurate Food Labeling Act And The Biotech Labeling Solutions Act. According to the federal lobbying database, Abigail Blunt lobbied the U.S. House of Representatives on “H.R. 1599 ‘Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015’ and S. 2609 ‘Biotech Labeling Solutions Act’ and S.764 as amended (General background and federal preemption).” [Federal Lobbying Disclosure Database, Heinz Kraft Q2 2016]




Andrew Blunt Is A Registered Lobbyist In The State Of Missouri. According to lobbying disclosures, Andrew Blunt registered as a lobbyist on February 9, 2001. His registration is current through December 31, 2016. [Missouri Ethics Commission, Lobbyist Summary LOBID L001341]


  • Andrew Blunt First Registered As Lobbyist in February 2001. According to lobbying disclosures, Andrew Blunt registered as a lobbyist on February 9, 2001. His registration is current through December 31, 2016. [Missouri Ethics Commission, Lobbyist Summary LOBID L001341]


Springfield News-Leader: Blunt Hired His Son Andy To Be His Campaign Manager And “While Few Would Question Andy Blunt’s Political Savvy, His Role As His Father’s Top Campaign Strategist Will Highlight The Senator’s Links To Lobbyists.” “Sen. Roy Blunt is going in-house for help with his 2016 re-election, tapping son Andy Blunt to run his campaign. […] While few would question Andy Blunt’s political savvy, his role as his father’s top campaign strategist will highlight the senator’s links to lobbyists. It also could raise questions about how the father-son team will handle possible conflicts of interest. The senator is married to a Washington lobbyist, Abigail Blunt, head of government affairs at Kraft Foods Group. His other son, former Gov. Matt Blunt, is a Washington lobbyist for the American auto industry.” [Springfield News-Leader, 3/18/15]


  • Headline: “Blunt Taps Son To Manage Re-Election Campaign” [Springfield News-Leader, 3/18/15]


Associated Press: Roy Blunt’s Son Andy Landed “Big Hitters” As Lobbying Clients, Including “Philip Morris, Miller Brewing Co., Southwest Bell, United Parsel Service and The Burlington and Santa Fe Railway Co.” “Andy Blunt, son of U.S. Rep. Roy Blunt and brother of Missouri Secretary of State Matt Blunt, has been trolling the Capitol halls as an advocate for some of the nation’s most influential corporate interests. At age 26, Andy Blunt’s client list includes such big hitters as Philip Morris, Miller Brewing Co., Southwestern Bell, United Parcel Service and The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co.” [Associated Press, 3/10/03]




KMOX: Matt Blunt “Has Officially Followed His Step-Mother’s Lead And Become A Registered Lobbyist.” He followed his father into politics, and now former Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt has officially followed his step-mother’s lead and become a registered lobbyist. Up until now, Blunt says he wasn’t spending the required 20 percent of his time advocating in the federal arena, but the President of the American Automotive Policy Council tells USA Today he registered recently “out of an abundance of caution.” [KMOX, 5/5/14]


  • Headline: Former MO Gov. Matt Blunt Is Registered Lobbyist. [KMOX, 5/5/14]


Matt Blunt’s First Federal Lobbying Disclosure Was In The Fourth Quarter Of 2014 Where He Disclosed That He Lobbied On Behalf Of The American Automotive Policy Council On Automotive Trade Issues. According to the federal lobbying disclosure database, Matt Blunt lobbied the “U.S. SENATE, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Commerce – Dept of (DOC), Energy – Dept of, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Executive Office of the President (EOP), Intl Trade Administration (ITA), Natl Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), State – Dept of (DOS), Treasury – Dept of, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), White House Office” on “Trans Pacific Partnership FTA; Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership; Korea -U.S. FTA implementation; Korea Market Access Issues; Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Automotive Dialogue; Currency Manipulation and Intervention; Acceptance of U.S. Certified Vehicles; Israel Vehicles Services Licensing Bill; Saudi Arabia Customs; Saudi Arabia Fuel Economy Regulations; Morocco Standards Workshop; Trade Promotion Authority; Korea Auto Emissions Regulations;Gulf Cooperation Council Standards Organization (GSO) auto standards issues; US- Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC); Acceptance of U.S. certified vehicles in Ecuador; Swiss Auto Emissions Regulations Automotive Standards; Proposal with ANSI/ Standards Alliance; Acceptance of U.S. certified vehicles in Egypt; WTO Enviromental Goods Agreement; Domestic and Ecomonic footprint of the U.S. Automotive Companies in each of the 50 states; American Automotive Labeling Act; Economic Contribution of the auto industry in the United States; auto job training and automotive domestic content.” [Federal Lobbying Disclosure Database, American Automotive Policy Council, Q4 2014]


Matt Blunt’s Most Recent Federal Lobbying Disclosure Was In The Second Quarter Of 2016 Where He Disclosed That He Lobbied On Behalf Of The American Automotive Policy Council On Free Trade Agreement Issues, Including TPP. According to the federal lobbying disclosure database, Matt Blunt lobbied the “U.S. SENATE, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Commerce – Dept of (DOC), Energy – Dept of, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Executive Office of the President (EOP), Intl Trade Administration (ITA), Natl Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), State – Dept of (DOS), Treasury – Dept of, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), White House Office, U.S. Customs & Border Protection, U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC)” on “Provide guidance to negotiators on tariff issues, non-tariff barriers, and automotive rule of origin for the Trans Pacific Partnership FTA. Advocate for mutual recognition of safety and environmental automotive standards and balanced automotive rule of origin issues within the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership FTA. Monitor the Korea -U.S. FTA implementation and advocate for the elimination of Korean non-tariff barriers to automotive trade as well as Korea automotive market access issues. Advocate for the inclusion of currency disciplines within future U.S. free trade agreements. Advocating for the acceptance of vehicles certified to U.S. automotive regulations (FMVSS & EPA).” [Federal Lobbying Disclosure Database, American Automotive Policy Council, Q2 2016]




Aug. 2006: Blunt’s Daughter Later Joined Lathrop & Gage Lobbying Department. “Amy Blunt, one of the best-connected Republicans in Missouri, has joined the government relations department of Lathrop & Gage, a large Kansas City law firm. Blunt is the daughter of U.S. Rep. Roy Blunt, the majority whip in the House of Representatives, and the sister of Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt.” [Kansas City Star, 8/15/06]


Amy Blunt Is Currently A Registered Lobbyist With The State Of Missouri. According to lobbyist filings with the Missouri Ethics Commission, Amy Blunt registered as a lobbyist with the state of Missouri on March 19, 2008. Blunt is registered as a lobbyist through December 31, 2016. [Missouri Ethics Commission, LOBID L002095A]


  • Amy Blunt First Registered As A Lobbyist In March 2008. According to lobbyist filings with the Missouri Ethics Commission, Amy Blunt registered as a lobbyist with the state of Missouri on March 19, 2008. Blunt is registered as a lobbyist through December 31, 2016. [Missouri Ethics Commission, LOBID L002095A]


January 2005: Amy Blunt Registered As A Federal Lobbyist With Ameren, CVS, And Intellistrobe Safety Systems. According to the lobbying disclosure database, Amy Blunt registered as a lobbyist effective 1/5/2005 with Ameren Services; 11/1/2005 with CVS; and 1/5/2005 with Intellistrobe Safety Systems.[Lobbying Disclosure Database, Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin LLP, 2005 Ameren Registration; 2005 CVS Registration; 2005 Intellistrobe Safety Systems Registration]


Amy Blunt Last Filed A Federal Lobbying Disclosure Form In 2006. According to the federal lobbying disclosure database, Amy Blunt’s last filing was a 2006 mid-year report where she disclosed lobbying on behalf of Ameren. [Lobbying Disclosure Database, Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin LLP, 2006 Mid-Year Report]



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