
NEW: Digital Ad Targets Tillis as GOP Lawsuit to Eliminate Pre-Existing Conditions Protections In Court Today

The Republican lawsuit to drive up health care costs and gut coverage protections for people with pre-existing conditions is in court today, and the DSCC is launching new ads targeting Senator Thom Tillis for refusing to take action to protect North Carolinians’ care. This is the DSCC’s latest investment in digital ads holding Tillis accountable for his toxic record on health care.

Senator Tillis has repeatedly backed toxic proposals that would spike costs and dismantle health care protections for North Carolinians and helped pass the reckless tax giveaway that laid the foundation for his party’s dangerous lawsuit. He’s refused to speak out against the lawsuit and has said “we must use every tool available” to tear down the health care law. When asked yesterday about why he has refused to oppose the Republican lawsuit, “Tillis could not be reached.”

“As Republicans go to court to end protections for North Carolinians with pre-existing conditions, Senator Tillis should consider himself on notice,” said DSCC spokesperson Stewart Boss. “Tillis helped pass the reckless tax handout that made this lawsuit possible, and had he and Mitch McConnell gotten their way, they would have passed legislation long ago to raise the cost of care and tear away coverage protections for his constituents. Senator Tillis is part of the problem and North Carolinians can’t afford his dangerous agenda.”


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NEW: Digital Ad Targets James as GOP Lawsuit to Eliminate Pre-Existing Conditions Protections In Court Today

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