
Johnson’s Bad Press Blizzard

Senator Ron Johnson will have hard time digging out from the bad press he earned this week. From missing 60 percent of his Homeland Security committee hearings on national security to falling 13 points behind Russ Feingold, it’s TGIF for the Wisconsin senator.

Journal Sentinel: Ron Johnson comes under fire for being MIA at committee hearings in first four years

In his first four years in office, Johnson missed 60% of the hearings held by the homeland security committee and the subcommittees to which he was assigned. Even according to numbers supplied by Johnson’s campaign, he made it to only 83 hearings out of a total of 207 from 2011 to 2014.

Among the hearings Johnson missed were one on homegrown terrorism, one on terrorist travel 10 years after 9/11 and three on border security. On at least two occasions, Johnson made it to fundraisers in 2011 on the same day he missed a homeland security hearing.

Milwaukee Business Journal: Feingold maintains double-digit lead over Johnson, Trump gains in Wisconsin: MU poll

Democrat Russ Feingold maintained a double-digit percentage lead over Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson in the latest Marquette Law School pol … Feingold, who has held a sizable lead over Johnson since entering the race in May 2015, garnered the support of 50 percent of likely voters in the poll while Johnson received 37 percent. Feingold’s percentage was up one point from the November 2015 MU poll, while Johnson was down one percentage point.

Capital Times Editorial: Ron Johnson should reject false attack on Russ Feingold

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson has an obligation to defend former U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold, his Democratic challenger who is being attacked unfairly by a so-called “third-party” group that is led by veteran Republican aides.

…But, in the case of a recent attack that touches on particularly sensitive and concerning issues, and that clearly paints an untrue picture of Feingold, Johnson can and should make it clear he recognizes and rejects false statements regarding troubles at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Tomah.

The Hill: Ex-Pentagon chief donates to Feingold

Asked about the donation, Hagel, who previously served as a Republican senator from Nebraska, touted their work together in the Senate.

“[I’ve] worked with him on many issues. I believe that the Senate needs more senators like Senator Feingold who [will] work across party lines to help govern our country,” the former Defense secretary said in a statement to The Hill.

GIZMODO: Six Ignorant Senators Want to Slow Down High-Speed Internet

Johnson was among six Senators who signed a letter to the FCC pushing back minimum broadband requirements and here’s Gizmodo’s take:

“These Senators are incredibly short-sighted and it’s clear that they haven’t done any research or read any periodicals or spoken to any experts beyond the lobbyists begging them to write this letter in the first place. Their letter suggests that they operate in a vacuum where Netflix isn’t nearly 40-percent of all internet traffic and 4K televisions aren’t rapidly increasing their marketshare and their own constituents aren’t clamoring for better access to the internet.” 

BONUS: Johnson Praises Corporate Tax-Dodging as “Responsible” Thing to Do

In an interview with CNBC, Senator Ron Johnson talked about the decision of Milwaukee-based Johnson Controls to move its headquarters to Ireland after a merger to avoid U.S. taxes. Johnson said: “A hundred fifty million dollars is what they’re going to save. You know if you’re a responsible corporate manager, how can you not take that type of move?”

“It may be the end of the week, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of bad press for Ron Johnson,” said Lauren Passalacqua, DSCC National Press Secretary. “With a record as out-of-touch with Wisconsin as his, Johnson will have countless other weeks like this as he faces his uphill re-election battle.”

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