
“It’s In The Plan!” – Fox News Slams GOP Plan That Would Raise Taxes On Majority Of Americans, End Social Security & Medicare

Fox News’ John Roberts: “Senator, it’s not a Democratic talking point. It’s in the plan.”

A wave of news coverage is highlighting how Senate Republicans’ campaign Chair Sen. Rick Scott was called out on Sunday by Fox News host John Roberts for lying about the GOP’s plan that calls for “tax hikes and sunsetting Medicare, Medicaid.”

See for yourself:

Aaron Rupar (@atrupar): “It’s in the plan! It’s in the plan. But Senator, hang on, it’s not a Democratic talking point. It’s in the plan” — even Fox News’s John Roberts can’t believe it when Rick Scott lies about his own policy plan, which calls for a tax increase on a majority of Americans

Daily Beast: Fox News Anchor Calls BS on GOP Senator’s Spin Over Taxing the Poor: ‘It’s in the Plan!’

  • “It’s not a Democratic talking point! It’s in the plan,” Roberts exclaimed on Sunday when Scott attempted to spin his proposal on taxing the poor and sunsetting Social Security.
  • Even Fox News isn’t buying Sen. Rick Scott’s ridiculous spin on his proposal to possibly “sunset” Social Security and force poor people to pay more in taxes.
  • As the head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Scott hoped to give GOP candidates a platform to run on by putting forth his “11-Point Plan to Rescue America” last month.
  • During Sunday morning’s interview with Scott, Roberts brought up two of the most contentious items in the politically ambitious senator’s proposal.
  • “Two of the big points are ‘all Americans should pay some income tax to have skin in the game, even if a small amount. Currently over half of Americans pay no income tax,’” the Fox News moderator stated. “It also says, ‘All federal legislation sunsets in five years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again.’ So that would raise taxes on half of Americans and potentially sunset programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Why would you propose something like that in an election year?”
  • Despite Roberts reading directly from his plan, the conservative lawmaker immediately objected and insisted that the anchor was echoing “Democrat talking points,” prompting Roberts to push back.
  • “No, no, it’s in the plan! It’s in the plan!” Roberts dramatically exclaimed.

Newsweek: Fox News Host Confronts Rick Scott Over Proposed Tax Hike in Election Year

  • Fox News host John Roberts confronted Senator Rick Scott, a Florida Republican, over his proposed GOP tax hike—pushing back when the congressman claimed that the assessment was a “Democrat talking point.”
  • In February, Scott, who chairs the National Republican Senatorial Committee, released an “11-Point Plan to Rescue America,” which proposed that, “all Americans should pay some income tax to have skin in the game, even if a small amount,” noting that, “currently over half of Americans pay no income tax.” The plan also proposed that, “all federal legislation sunsets in five years.”
  • Scott tried to dismiss the assessment as a “Democrat talking point,” but Roberts refused to accept that response.
  • “No, no, it’s in the plan,” the Fox News host interjected. “It’s in the plan,” he said incredulously. As Scott tried to continue, Roberts emphasized his point further. “But senator, it’s not a Democratic talking point—it’s in the plan.”

HuffPost: GOP Sen. Rick Scott’s Lies About His Own Policy Get Called Out On Fox News

  • Scott attempted to push back again, but Roberts interrupted: “Senator, it’s not a Democratic talking point. It’s in the plan.”

Rick Scott debates what’s in his ‘Rescue America’ plan with Fox host

  • Sen. Rick Scott sparred with “Fox News Sunday” host John Roberts over the contents of Scott’s recently released “Rescue America” plan.

Rolling Stone: Rick Scott Can’t Even Get Fox News to Buy His Bullshit

  • Republican Sen. Rick Scott couldn’t convince Fox News host John Roberts to buy his ridiculous 11 point “Plan to Rescue America,” which includes proposals to force all Americans to pay income tax, sunset all federal legislation within five years…

Miami Herald: Rick Scott challenged on Fox News Sunday over tax hikes and sunsetting Medicare, Medicaid

  • Sen. Rick Scott was challenged Sunday by Fox News host and former Miami reporter John Roberts over his recently released “Rescue America” plan.
  • During the interview on the conservative network’s Fox News Sunday program, Scott said Roberts was repeating Democrats’ “talking points” after the news host read word by word two of the plan’s proposals: raising income taxes for low- and middle-income earners and allowing federal programs like Social Security Medicare and Medicaid to sunset or expire within five years if Congress fails to pass legislation to renew them.
  • As Scott tried to brush off Roberts rebuttal, the news host interrupted the congressman for a second time.
  • “But Senator, it’s not a Democratic talking point. It’s in the plan,” Roberts said.


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