
IN THE STATES: GOP Senate Candidates Slammed For Opposing Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

Democrats in key battleground states are calling out Republicans for opposing the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act––a plan that will create millions of good-paying American jobs and invests in America’s roads, bridges, clean water, and high speed internet: 

  • In Arizona, the the Arizona Democratic Party called on all Arizona GOP Senate candidates to tell Arizonans if they would have supported this historic legislation that will have “enormous implications” for Arizona:

    “Jim Lamon, Mick McGuire, Mark Brnovich, and Blake Masters owe Arizonans answers on if they would have joined the 19 Republicans who voted to pass this historic bipartisan infrastructure bill. As Senator Mark Kelly follows through on his promise to work with Republicans and Democrats to deliver real results for the state, Arizonans are left wondering if the GOP primary candidates would do the same, or if they would have followed President Trump’s lead and voted against this historic legislation.”
  • In Florida, FDP Executive Director Marcus Dixon slammed vulnerable incumbent Marco Rubio and NRSC Chair Rick Scott for voting against the historic bill that will create millions of jobs and fix Florida’s infrastructure:

    “Marco Rubio and Rick Scott lacked the courage to do what is best for Florida by voting against improving Florida’s roads and bridges, creating good-paying jobs, and expanding high-speed internet. Floridians are fed up with Rubio and Scott’s weak and self-serving actions that once again would make it harder for them to access health care services, find good-paying jobs, and stay safe on the roads.”
  • In Georgia, the Democratic Party of Georgia called out every single GOP Senate candidate for opposing this once-in-a-generation infrastructure investment in Georgia jobs and infrastructure:

    “​​While Senator Reverend Warnock helps deliver this huge win for Georgia, every GOP candidate vying to challenge him is opposing the bipartisan plan to rebuild our infrastructure, invest in a generation of Georgia jobs, and help American companies compete against China. In opposing this legislation, the Republican candidates are standing against creating millions of good-paying jobs, helping Georgia businesses grow and compete in the global economy, and investing in Georgia’s core infrastructure — like roads, bridges, public transit, water pipes, and broadband.” 
  • In New Hampshire, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley lambasted Chris Sununu for not supporting the critically important bill that will create jobs and grow New Hampshire’s economy:

    “Thanks to the leadership of Senator Shaheen and Senator Hassan, this bipartisan infrastructure deal will help expand high-speed internet to Granite Staters and deliver much-needed investments in New Hampshire’s highways, roads and bridges while strengthening cybersecurity and coastal resiliency programs. Meanwhile, just yesterday Governor Sununu bashed this bipartisan deal and the jobs these much-needed investments in infrastructure will create. While Senator Shaheen and Senator Hassan are delivering for Granite Staters, Chris Sununu would oppose a bipartisan deal that will create jobs and grow New Hampshire’s economy.”
  • In North Carolina, NCDP Chair Bobbie Richardson criticized the Republican Senate primary candidates for opposing critical funding for North Carolina’s infrastructure:

    “If Republicans running for the U.S. Senate in 2022 had it their way, North Carolina would lose out on good-paying jobs, much-needed broadband expansion for the hundreds of thousands that lack access to high-speed internet, and critical investments in roads and bridges that keep us safe. Congressman Ted Budd, former Governor Pat McCrory, and former Congressman Mark Walker’s opposition to this deal proves they’re wrong for our state.”
  • In Ohio, ODP Chair Liz Walters celebrated the landmark passage of one of the boldest infrastructure plans in our lifetime, while calling out Republicans for siding with their corporate interest friends at the expense of hard working Ohioans:

    “The plan will grow our economy and support our local communities while ensuring that no one making less than $400,000 a year will pay more taxes. Yet, Ohio Republicans oppose this plan because they only care about their wealthy corporate special interest donors instead of what is best for working families in Ohio.”
  • In Pennsylvania, the PA Dems called out the entire GOP Senate field for opposing the bipartisan bill that will create much-needed good jobs and provide critical investments in Pennsylvania’s highways, bridges, and broadband coverage:

    “The passage of this bill is a huge win for Pennsylvanians, who will benefit from the improvements to the commonwealth’s roads, bridges and broadband, as well as the much-needed jobs that will come. In opposing this bill and all its benefits, the PA GOP Republican field continues to demonstrate that they have no real solutions to offer voters while Democrats deliver for Pennsylvania.”
  • In Wisconsin, DPW Chair Ben Wikler slammed vulnerable incumbent Ron Johnson for his vote against the bipartisan bill:

    “After blatantly ignoring calls from local community leaders and residents, Ron Johnson has cast his vote against the bipartisan infrastructure plan, taking his standing with Wisconsinites to an all-time low. What’s best for Wisconsin isn’t even an afterthought for Ron Johnson. Once again, he has put his self-serving agenda above the state’s workers, small businesses, and economy.”


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ALERTA DE VOTACIÓN: Rubio Vota en Contra de Los Empleos y la Infraestructura de Florida

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