
IN THE BATTLEGROUNDS: On ACA Anniversary, Democrats Call Out Republican Senate Candidates’ Plan To Raise Health Care Costs & Strip Coverage Protections

On the twelve-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, Democrats across the Senate battlegrounds are holding Republican candidates accountable for their party’s pledge to overturn the Affordable Care Act if they win the Senate majority – which would spike health care costs and jeopardize coverage for millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions.

See for yourself:

From the Arizona Democratic Party: “As Senate Republicans recommit to repealing the ACA, the GOP primary field has made it clear they’re aiming to do the same. Mark Brnovich tried (and failed) to overturn the ACA in court, Blake Masters called the law a “disaster,” and Jim Lamon is shamelessly campaigning to eliminate it.”

From the Florida Democratic Party: “For 12 years, the Affordable Care Act has saved lives and made it possible for millions of Floridians – including those with pre-existing conditions – to get affordable health care. With Senate Republicans vowing to repeal the ACA, Rubio is once again on board with a disastrous agenda to make health care more expensive for hardworking people across our state.”

From the Georgia Democratic Party: “Senator Reverend Warnock secured hundreds of millions of dollars for rural health care providers and cut taxes for hardworking Georgia families while leading the fight in the Senate to lower the cost of insulin and prescription drugs… Meanwhile, Herschel Walker, Brian Kemp, David Perdue, and every Georgia Republican would be a rubber stamp for their party’s agenda: raising taxes on seniors and working families, jeopardizing Medicare and Social Security, and spiking health care costs while gutting coverage for 1.8 million Georgians with pre-existing conditions.”

From the Nevada Democratic Victory: “If elected, Adam Laxalt would be an automatic vote for legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would once again gut protections for Nevadans with pre-existing conditions and spike the cost of health care.”

From the New Hampshire Democratic Party: “The Affordable Care Act has provided Granite Staters with access to life-saving quality, affordable health care for over a decade now. And yet, every single one of the Republicans running for US Senate would vote to kick over one hundred thousand Granite Staters off of their health care, end protections for pre-existing conditions, and raise costs on families. While Chuck Morse, Kevin Smith, and Don Bolduc would not hesitate to rip away health care from New Hampshire families, Granite Staters know that Senator Hassan will always fight to protect our access to quality, affordable health care.”

From the North Carolina Democratic Party: “The Republican Party has spent the past twelve years doubling down on their agenda of tax hikes, raised premiums, and eliminating coverage. In recent weeks alone, Republican Senator Ron Johnson confirmed that Republicans still want to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The party has also united behind Florida Senator and National Republican Senatorial Committee Chair Rick Scott’s plan to raise taxes on nearly 40 percent of North Carolinians.”

From the Ohio Democratic Party: “As Democrats are laser-focused on expanding healthcare coverage and lowering costs, Ohio Republicans – from the congressional delegation, to the millionaires running for U.S. Senate… have opposed these efforts at the behest of the big corporations that fund their campaigns and the expense of the Ohio families they swore to represent. As Republicans are hellbent on fighting for higher medical bills and undermining protections for pre-existing conditions, Ohioans know that they can trust Democrats to keep fighting for affordable healthcare and protections for those with pre-existing conditions.”

From the Pennsylvania Democratic Party: “Twelve years ago today, Democrats signed the Affordable Care Act into law amid unprecedented Republican opposition. Since then, Democrats have built on the progress of the ACA by expanding health care access and lowering costs for Pennsylvanians with the American Rescue Plan, a move that Republicans unanimously opposed. The contrast could not be more clear: While Democrats are still fighting to lower costs for families, Republicans are still running on an agenda of higher premiums and reduced health care options for Pennsylvanians.”

  • READ – Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Does the GOP want to repeal Obamacare? Take them literally and seriously. “The head of the Senate Republicans’ campaign wing, U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, of Florida, already has rolled out a stupendously wrong-headed policy agenda that takes a sledgehammer to the nation’s social safety net, even as it raises taxes on the poorest Americans.”

From the Wisconsin Democratic Party: “Twelve years ago, despite massive Republican opposition, Democrats passed the Affordable Care Act and delivered a major win for Wisconsin’s working families – without the support of a single Wisconsin Republican. And now, over a decade later, Ron Johnson and the GOP are still running on an agenda that would hike taxes and strip away health care coverage from families across the state.”

  • READ – WKOW: Democrats, supporters of Obamacare rally on 12th anniversary of passage. “On Wednesday, those who support the ACA, also known as Obamacare, rallied at Republican Senator Ron Johnson’s office to mark 12 years since federal lawmakers passed the legislation. Johnson has been a staunch opponent of Obamacare since launching his political career in 2010.”

Read the joint statement from the DSCC, DNC, and DCCC on the anniversary of the ACA signing here.


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