
ICYMI: DSCC Chair Sen. Gary Peters Discusses How Senate Democrats Will Win Again in 2024

This week, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chair Senator Gary Peters joined “The Briefing with Steve Scully” on SiriusXM’s bipartisan political channel POTUS Politics to discuss how Senate Democrats will win again in 2024, the looming government shutdown, and more. 

Senator Peters highlighted Senate Democrats’ winning playbook: Democratic incumbents have “very strong individual brands,” are “champions for their state,” and “run very localized elections, because their state is the most important thing to them.” On the other hand, “as we saw in [2022], the people who usually come out of Republican primaries tend to be people who are the most out of step with the general electorate. They can win a primary, but they can’t win a general election, particularly against seasoned incumbents who have a solid track record of fighting for their state.”


The Briefing with Steve Scully on SiriusXM: Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) on Senate Dem 2024 Hopes, UAW Strike, and Possible Shutdown
September 20, 2023

Key points from Sen. Peters: 

  • It’s clear Republicans can’t govern. They don’t know how to govern, and to go into a shutdown when there’s clearly a bipartisan path. You know, we’ve passed bills out of the Senate, bipartisan bills. But to have this happen is just unacceptable. To shut down the government — a huge cost that is for the taxpayers as well — and it’s basically just a core function of government. It’s a pretty low bar, just keep the doors open, serving the American people. And yet, it’s clear right now Republicans are failing miserably.

  • …If you look at our candidates… they’re champions for their state, and … we’re going to be able to contrast them with the really far right Republicans who do not represent the values and the concerns of people in their state. 
  • We have candidates who have very strong brands, are known by people in their state, they run very localized elections because their state is the most important thing to them. And in the end, that’s what voters look for: they want someone … that they can trust [and] knows they can get the job done.
  • As we saw in the last election, the people who usually come out of Republican primaries tend to be people who are the most out of step with the general electorate. They can win a primary, but they can’t win a general election, particularly against seasoned incumbents who have a solid track record of fighting for their state. So I feel good about where we are now. I’m confident we are going to win. …Voters in the states are going to send back to the U.S. Senate someone who they know and trust and someone who can get the job done for them.


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