
ICYMI: Deadlocked Oz and McCormick could bruise Republican unity in Pennsylvania Senate race [McClatchy]


McClatchy: Deadlocked Oz and McCormick could bruise Republican unity in Pennsylvania Senate race
By David Catanese
May 19, 2022

Key Points:

  • The unresolved Republican primary contest between celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz and former hedge fund manager Dave McCormick – who remain separated on Thursday by just over 1,000 votes with thousands left to count – could threaten to undermine party unity no matter which candidate is ultimately declared the victor.
  • It’ll be days and possibly weeks until anyone knows for sure.
  • Even once a winner is called, the secretary of state could order a recount if the difference is within one-half a percentage point. Oz’s current lead over McCormick is just one-tenth of a percentage point.
  • A recount could push the uncertainty of a winnerless primary into June and that’s not even considering the potential lawsuits that could follow.
  • Trump, who endorsed Oz, has already cast aspersions over the outstanding ballots.
  • This is why a McCormick win has the potential to enrage Trump, who fumed that late ballots wiped out his early lead in Pennsylvania during the 2020 presidential election.
  • Then there’s Barnette… She hasn’t explicitly pledged her support to the eventual nominee.


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