
GOP Senator Blames GOP-Led Congress For “Least Productive Year” Of His Life

The GOP’s first months in the majority have been plagued by infighting and partisan gridlock so bad that it even retired a Senator from their own party. And earlier this morning, another one of their own Senators publicly admitted that his first year in the majority has been the“least productive year of [his] life.”

The NRSC loves to claim that “The Majority Is Working,” but they might want to check in with their own Senators before they keep pushing that message.


JOE SCARBOROUGH: It’s had to be very frustrating for you over the past year not speaking on the floor, and the dysfunction that you’ve seen all around. Talk about that, and what a frustrating first year it’s been for you, and how we can fix it.

SASSE: Well, I mean I’ll be honest, it’s been the least productive year of my life so far.

“The Republican Senate majority has been so dysfunctional that even Republican Senators are now publicly admitting that the majority isn’t working,” said Lauren Passalacqua, DSCC National Press Secretary. “As members of their own party continue to publicly lament the dysfunction, Senate Republicans’ inability to govern responsibly will only become more obvious, and Republicans’ tenuous hold on their fragile majority will grow more unstable.”

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