
DSCC Statement on Elissa Slotkin & Mike Rogers

Even Republicans Say Rogers is an “
Unprincipled Career Politician with a “Selfish Pattern of Using Political Influence to Personally Profit

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) Chair Sen. Gary Peters released the following statement at the start of the general election in Michigan: 

“Elissa Slotkin has dedicated her life to defending our country, serving our state and fighting for the priorities that matter most to Michiganders that work for a living. From lowering costs for prescription drugs, opposing America’s foreign adversaries or bringing supply chains and good jobs back to our country, Elissa puts the interest of Michiganders first in everything she does – and those are the values I know she’ll bring to the Senate. 

“While Elissa is fighting for Michigan, Mike Rogers has shown he’s only fighting for himself: he abandoned our state, went through the ‘revolving door’ in order to get rich and cash out working for companies tied to China, Saudi Arabia, and mega corporations. Michiganders will see Rogers for what he is: a self-serving politician who is only ever looking out for himself, and they’ll reject him in November.” 


What to know about Mike Rogers: 

In Congress, Rogers cozied up with lobbyists and big corporations so he could walk through the revolving door and enrich himself: 

Rogers sold out Michiganders and America’s national security, working for companies tied to China and Saudi Arabia: 

Rogers’ toxic agenda includes banning abortion, jeopardizing Social Security and Medicare, and tax giveaways for Betsy DeVos and the wealthiest few: 


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