


WARNOCK READY TO KEEP FIGHTING FOR ALL GEORGIANS. In just one year as Senator, Reverend Warnock has been fighting to get results on issues that matter to all Georgians like lowering costs, improving our supply chains, and making health care more affordable.

DSCC JOINS DPG TO LAUNCH COORDINATED CAMPAIGN  “GEORGIA VOTES” The Democratic Party of Georgia announced the launch of its Coordinated Campaign, “Georgia Votes,” a unified statewide campaign focused on organizing and mobilizing communities across Georgia to elect Democrats up and down the ballot in 2022. Georgia Votes will work to re-elect Reverend Raphael Warnock to the U.S. Senate.

GEORGIA DEMOCRATS LAUNCH “HERSCHEL WALKER: WRONG FOR GEORGIA.” The Democratic Party of Georgia is rolling out “Herschel Walker: Wrong for Georgia,” which will highlight for Georgians that the Trump-tapped nominee is not who he says he is and not up for the job of representing Georgia in the U.S. Senate. Read more here

  • NBC NEWS: Georgia Democrats signal brutal ad campaign against Herschel Walker as high-stakes Senate race begins. “In a hostile welcome to the general election, the Democratic Party of Georgia released a web video featuring a montage of TV news clips and torn-from-the-headlines controversies about Walker’s past and present — from campaign finance issues to his questioning of evolution to exaggerations about his education to questionable health products and a dubious mist he promoted as a Covid cure.”

WALKER STUMBLES INTO THE GENERAL WITH BIZARRE RESPONSE TO TEXAS TRAGEDY. Herschel Walker’s bizarre proposal to create a new federal department to monitor people’s social media in response to the Uvalde tragedy dominated the first week of the general election – and demonstrated yet again he’s not ready for the work of representing Georgia in the Senate. 

DON’T MISS → AP: Herschel Walker’s ties to veterans program face scrutiny

JOHNSON FLIES AWAY WITH TAXPAYER DOLLARS AND LANDS IN HOT WATER. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel revealed that Sen. Ron Johnson “has been using taxpayer dollars to cover the cost of flights between a Florida family vacation home and Washington, D.C., including nine such trips last year.”

  • Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: Sen. Ron Johnson uses tax dollars to travel between Florida family home and the U.S. Capitol.
  • “U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson has been using taxpayer dollars to cover the cost of flights between a Florida family vacation home and Washington, D.C., including nine such trips last year, federal records show.”
  • “Democrats say the expenditures by the multimillionaire Republican are a waste of public money because they say the trips have nothing to do with his official job representing Wisconsin at the U.S. Capitol.”


  • Josh Dawsey, Washington Post (@jdawsey1): don’t think i’ve ever seen an elected official promote and amplify a negative story about themselves quite like this…

  • Bryan Metzger, Insider (@metzgov): RonJohn using his official-side Twitter account to go after journalists for writing a story about him using taxpayer dollars for personal use
  • Brian Tyler Cohen, No Lie With BTC (@briantylercohen): No denial though. Thanks for bringing the story to everyone’s attention.

BADGER STATE BILLIONAIRES BACK ROJO WHO HELPED THEM RECEIVE MASSIVE TAX BREAKS. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel revealed that two of Ron Johnson’s campaign donors, who received massive tax breaks as a result of Johnson’s work on the 2017 tax bill, have poured millions into a new Super PAC supporting his campaign.

KEYSTONE STATE CLASH CONTINUES AS RECOUNT WARS “SPLIT GOP,” “SPARK BITTER DISPUTE.” As Pennsylvania Republicans are locked in a never-ending intra-party fight Democrats continue to unify behind Lt. Governor John Fetterman. News coverage is highlighting how “Oz and McCormick are still aiming […] at each other” in “a bitter fight,” which has “split the GOP” and is “driving a wedge between Republicans ahead of the general election.” 

LAXALT RAKES IN MILLIONS REPRESENTING BIG OIL DURING HIS SENATE CAMPAIGN. The Nevada Independent uncovered financial documents showing Adam Laxalt has continued to rake in millions of dollars from D.C.-based law firm, Cooper & Kirk, during his Senate campaign. Laxalt has made almost $3 million through his work at the firm since 2018.

NEW HAMPSHIRE DEMOCRATS SPOTLIGHT ABORTION ISSUES” IN SENATE RACE. The Hill wrote how New Hampshire Democrats are calling out NH GOP Senate candidates for their anti-choice agenda that include supporting the Supreme Court’s draft decision to end Roe v. Wade – and how they would help Mitch McConnell criminalize abortion nationwide if Republicans retake the Senate. From the article: 

  • “New Hampshire Democrats have particularly zeroed in on comments from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that a national ban on abortion would be “possible” if Roe v. Wade is overturned.”
  • “McConnell and Scott will stop at nothing to try to get themselves a senator from New Hampshire who’s going to push their agenda,” New Hampshire state Rep. Alexis Simpson (D) said during a press call. “That’s why we have to elect Sen. Hassan.”

PETER THIEL PUPPET BLAKE MASTERS PROVES HE IS OUT OF TOUCH WITH ARIZONANS.  A new POLITICO profile of Arizona Senate GOP Candidate Blake Masters details how he’s an “Acolyte” of Peter Thiel, and “has better connections in Silicon Valley and Washington D.C.” than Arizona. 


  • New Hampshire Union Leader: Hassan urges getting generic drugs to market faster. “Citing worry about “patents of questionable validity,” Sens. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., and Bill Cassidy, R-La., are urging closer cooperation between the Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Generic drugs are typically cheaper than brand names, but patenting drugs lets drug companies keep generics off the market for several years — in theory, allowing drug companies to recoup the cost of researching and developing a new drug, and make a profit.”


AZ – Arizona Republic (Opinion): Brnovich should resign if he won’t do his job and defend Arizona’s early voting program. “Attorney General Mark Brnovich has once again shown us why he has absolutely no business being Arizona’s attorney general. It’s bad enough that the guy has spent most of the last year turning the Attorney General’s Office into a campaign prop in his bid to land a seat in the U.S. Senate. Now he’s refusing to even do his job.”

FL – Miami Herald: Miami Herald: ‘Sick and tired.’ Demings pushes for gun legislation, slams Rubio at Miami rally. “‘I’m sick and tired of innocent people being gunned down in innocent places,’ Demings said, speaking to a crowd of about 50 supporters at the Little Haiti Cultural Center. She called her opponent, Florida’s senior senator, Republican Marco Rubio, a ‘do-nothing senator’ who ‘likes to be comfortable.’ She blasted Republicans for inaction on gun violence legislation like red-flag gun laws and universal background checks.”

FL – Miami Herald (Opinion): Rubio’s flippant attitude after Texas school shooting should cost Florida senator his job. “Rubio should pay for his disdain for our grief and loss — with his job.”

NV – Nevada Current: Adam Laxalt peddles ‘great replacement theory’ on GOP campaign trail. “In audio reviewed by the Current of a campaign meet-and-greet in Elko on Oct. 2, 2021, Laxalt can be heard suggesting immigrants are a part of a strategy by “the left” to destroy American values.”

NH – Seacoast Online (Opinion): If you support reproductive freedom, support Maggie Hassan for U.S. Senate. “The choice in this year’s midterms could not be more clear. The Republican candidates have spent their careers doing everything they can to dismantle women’s freedom, control women’s bodies, and criminalize abortion. Senator Hassan, meanwhile, has fought for New Hampshire women, and backed the Women’s Health Protection Act to make Roe the law of the land. With women’s liberty under siege, it is more urgent than ever that Granite Staters re-elect a fighter like Maggie Hassan to the Senate.”

NC – Charlotte Post (Opinion): Why GOP nominee Ted Budd is wrong for North Carolina in the US Senate. “Throughout his time in Congress, [Budd] has continually added to the gridlock and dysfunction in Washington, D.C. and if given the undeserved promotion to U.S. senator, he will continue to put North Carolina last.”

WI – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Ron Johnson silent on background checks following the Uvalde shooting but pushes bill for a clearinghouse on school safety. “U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson made an effort Wednesday to codify a national clearinghouse on school safety. But the Oshkosh Republican gave no indication if his long opposition to universal background checks for firearm sales had wavered in any way, silently walking away from a CNN reporter in Washington, D.C., when questioned about the issue.” 


David Bergstein


Amanda Sherman


Pat Burgwinkle


Nora Keefe


Freedom Murphy


Eli Cousin


Claire Berry



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