

THIS WEEK’S EPISODE OF “THE MAJORITY ISN’T WORKING.” Last week, Republican Senator Ben Sasse blamed the GOP-led Senate for the “least productive year of [his] life,” and this week more Republican Senators are publicly lamenting their own party’s inability to govern. Politico reported that Senate Republicans aren’t even buying their own spin. It’s unclear how will they get voters on board next year. Seems like the DSCC and Republican Senators can all agree on something: The Majority Isn’t Working.

Politico: Senate Slackers

“It’s unbelievable. It’s awful. I don’t even know how to respond,” rookie Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) said after perusing next year’s calendar.


Still, newer senators are amazed at how little is getting accomplished.

“I don’t object to having time off in the Senate if we’re getting our work done. But we’re not getting our work done,” said Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), a former governor and state Senate majority leader.

TOOMEY’S NO GOOD, VERY BAD, TERRIBLE WEEK. Pat Toomey’s campaign immediately stumbled out of the gate, and things haven’t improved much for the vulnerable Pennsylvania senator. He was lambasted for “actively working against” Pennsylvanians, given agrim reelection outlook by a conservative outlet following last week’s Democratic sweep of statewide judicial posts, and slammed in a national editorial for blocking a judicial nominee – a yearlong hold that “undermine[s] the justice system, and the biggest victims are ordinary Americans.”

FLASHBACK: It was just over a week ago, before Toomey’s blockbuster week began, that he personally went to the floor to block a bipartisan bill to help small businesses. The legislation would reinstate an effective small business loan program that has the support of Pennsylvania economic development and small business groups.

MURPHY MOMENTUM. Murphy won another big endorsement this week when the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) endorsed Murphy. The group has about 15,000 members in Florida and the endorsement was called “another feather in Murphy’s cap.”

Tampa Bay Times: AFSCME union endorses Patrick Murphy for US Senate

Florida Politics: AFSCME Florida Endorses Patrick Murphy In Florida Senate Contest

               Orlando Political Observer: AFSCME Members Endorse Patrick Murphy for US Senate

               Palm Beach Post: Murphy gets AFSCME endorsement, building on union strength

JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT RON JOHNSON COULDN’T SAY ANYTHING MORE OUTRAGEOUS, HE DOES. When it comes to outrageous, out-of-touch comments, Ron Johnson outdid himself this week. On a Wisconsin radio show, Johnson suggested that it wasn’t so bad to deport children seeking asylum to Honduras – a country that has one of the highest murder per capita rates in the world – because it’s a “beautiful country” with “gorgeous resort zones.” Yep, just when you thought Johnson couldn’t get any more out-of-touch…

BUZZFEED: COULD ANTI-WASHINGTON TIDE BEAT ROY BLUNT? This week, Buzzfeed highlighted how Republicans’ are worrying as Washington insider Roy Blunt grows increasingly more vulnerable in the face of a strong Democratic challenger.

Buzzfeed: Some Republicans Worry, Some Democrats Hope: Could Anti-Washington Tide Beat Roy Blunt?

Missouri GOP Sen. Roy Blunt has served in Washington for about 18 years — a time period he once touted to highlight his experience. But facing a young Democratic challenger, that number has also become his biggest liability, as voters grow increasingly wary of career politicians.

Blunt’s Senate seat — considered safe for Republicans for months — is now drawing concern from within his own party, as the race becomes contingent in part on the strength of the anti-Washington, anti-politician sentiment spreading across the country. 

“Washington is broken right now, and Missouri deserves a senator who looks out for middle-class families and not special interests,” Kander said in an interview with BuzzFeed News. “I think Washington could use someone who hasn’t spent their career in Congress. We can’t change Congress by sending the same people there.”

GOP SENATORS HAVE DISAPPOINTING RECORDS FOR VETERANS. This week, we took the time to honor the sacrifice our veterans have made. Unfortunately, GOP Senators have repeatedly blocked bills to boost health, education and job training programs and even sided with the Koch Brothers against a measure that the Veterans of Foreign Wars hailed as “the most comprehensive veterans’ legislation to be introduced in a decade.” Senators Kelly Ayotte, Roy Blunt, Ron Johnson, Rob Portman, John Boozman, and Richard Burr should be ashamed of their records of putting outside special interest groups ahead of the best interests of veterans.

OUTSIDE GROUPS ARE SPENDING BIG TO PROP UP VULNERABLE GOP SENATORS. This week, Buzzfeed reported that GOP outside groups are largely ignoring the Presidential race, instead opting to pour their money into Senate races. The amount of money already being spent by Koch-backed groups like Americans for Prosperity and Concerned Veterans for America and by Rove-backed groups like One Nation and Crossroads GPS shows just how worried these special interests are that their allies won’t be around to do their bidding after 2016.


ARIZONA – NEW POLL SHOWS MCCAIN WAY BELOW 50%. A new Rocky Mountain Poll shows just how vulnerable John McCain is, with just 37% of voters supporting him. The poll shows he has just a single digit lead over Kirkpatrick, putting the strong Democratic challenger in striking distance.

FLORIDA –Jeff Atwater announced for the second time that he wouldn’t run for Senate, declining to enter a crowded, messy primary battle that promises to leave the eventual nominee damaged. The GOP field – with four declared candidates – may get even bigger, as failed congressional candidate Dan Bongino expressed his own interest in the race and perennial candidate Bill McCollum is reportedly still mulling a run.

COLORADO – AND FRAZIER MAKES FIVE. After all top-tier recruits passed on the Colorado Senate race, Republicans are now faced with a crowded, messy primary that is certain to leave the eventual nominee damaged. Ryan Frazier, who has lost every election he’s run in since 2010, joined the race on Thursday, making him the fifth declared candidate. Peggy Littleton is also considering joining the race.

TWEET OF THE WEEK: This week’s Tweet of the Week goes out to Elise Foley, for highlighting just how crazy Ron Johnson’s comments about Honduras really were: @elisefoley: “Don’t worry about deporting kids to Honduras, it’s beautiful there! – Ron Johnson,

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Pat Toomey’s Disappointing Records For Veterans

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