

DEMS LAUNCH AD CAMPAIGN IN LOCAL BLACK MEDIA OUTLETS HIGHLIGHTING GOP OPPOSITION TO KBJ’S NOMINATION. The DSCC launched a digital ad campaign today in local Black media outlets across five battleground states highlighting Senate Republicans’ opposition to Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s historic nomination to the Supreme Court. The digital campaign will begin on Friday and includes full homepage takeovers and ads in the Atlanta Voice (GA), Jacksonville Free Press (FL), Triangle Tribune (NC), Philadelphia Tribune (PA), and Milwaukee Courier (WI). See release Here.

SENATE REPUBLICANS: IF GOP WERE IN CHARGE, JUDGE JACKSON WOULDN’T HAVE EVEN RECEIVED HEARING. A wave of news coverage called out Senate Republicans for stating that a GOP Senate would not have even given Judge Jackson – the first Black woman nominated to the Supreme Court and an exceptionally qualified jurist – a hearing, reinforcing the stakes of this year’s election and reminding voters why we must protect and expand our Democratic Senate majority with the power to confirm Supreme Court justices.

  • CNN Inside Politics – Jackie Kucinich: “I think they just got an attack ad with what Lindsey Graham said about not… even getting a committee hearing if Republicans had been in charge.”
  • Washington Post (Editorial Board): Republican excuses for rejecting Ketanji Brown Jackson are absurd. “By heaping praise on Judge Jackson while opposing her nomination, Republicans seek to obscure the unattractive image of their almost entirely White caucus rejecting the first Black woman ever nominated to the high court.”

GOP CANDIDATES CONTINUE TO EMBRACE SENATE REPUBLICANS’ DISASTROUS  MIDTERM AGENDA. Senate Republicans continue to get slammed for their toxic agenda that would raise taxes on “over half of Americans,” put “an end to Social Security, Medicare,” and “repeal the Affordable Care Act,” which would spike health care costs and strip away coverage protections for pre-existing conditions.

  • MSNBC: Why it matters when Republican Senate hopefuls endorse ACA repeal. “The larger point is that when given an opportunity, these Republican Senate hopefuls were unanimous in their opposition to the Affordable Care Act… That would of course mean millions of Americans would lose their coverage; protections for those with pre-existing conditions would disappear; families would once again face annual and lifetime caps; and on and on.”

BLOOMBERG: DAVID MCCORMICK “TRANSFORMED HIMSELF FASTER THAN CLARK KENT IN A PHONE BOOTH.” New reporting from Bloomberg Businessweek highlights the transformation of hedge fund executive David McCormick in Pennsylvania’s nasty GOP primary. McCormick is “a rich guy from Connecticut masquerading as a regular guy from Pennsylvania” who “transformed himself faster than Clark Kent in a phone booth” and “still hasn’t answered” if the 2020 election was stolen. Worth the read:

→ Bloomberg: The Bridgewater CEO Who Went Full MAGA

  • To the astonishment of the Bridgewater crowd, he shed his smooth, Davos Man persona and transformed himself faster than Clark Kent in a phone booth into a Trump-touting, China-bashing MAGA acolyte.
  • McCormick’s former co-workers circulate his ads, horrified, puzzled, or amused at their old boss’s transformation. “Is Connecticut Dave McCormick the real one, or is Pennsylvania Dave McCormick the real one?” one asks. “Or is the real Dave McCormick a chameleon who’ll be whatever he needs to be to succeed?”
  • Extreme wealth remains a charged political subject in blue-collar America, especially when it has a Wall Street provenance. “He’s a rich guy from Connecticut masquerading as a regular guy from Pennsylvania,” says Stuart Stevens, who saw blowback from similar dynamics when he managed Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign.
  • Do you think the election was stolen? […] He still hasn’t answered the question.

TRUMP TROUBLE – AHEAD OF RALLY, TRUMP CREATES CHAOS IN PRIMARIES & FORCES GOP CANDIDATES TO GO “FULL MAGA.”  Ahead of Trump’s Saturday rally in North Carolina, news coverage is highlighting how he is creating chaos in GOP Senate primaries: endorsing Republicans who are failing to clear primary fields and remain “locked in a dead heat,” forcing candidates to go “full MAGA” to prove their loyalty, and looming over primaries where he has yet to endorse as GOP candidates fight to convince voters they are “the most Trump-like in the race.” Read more from the DSCC ahead of Trump’s rally.

…TAR HEEL TANGO – MCCRORY-BUDD FEUD THREATENS GOP RUN-OFF IN NC. As Trump pulls into town, news coverage is highlighting how McCory is slamming Budd as an “embarrassment” and how the nasty primary “could force a July run-off, risking Republican chances of keeping the seat.”

  • Axios Charlotte: Trump’s N.C. visit caps a hard week for Pat McCrory. “McCrory equated Budd with Cawthorn, calling them an “embarrassment, to the state, to our party and to Congress,” saying they’ve made “reckless” statements about Ukraine, accomplished “nothing” in Congress and voted against certification of the 2020 election.”


Democratic Senators and challengers in key battleground states are posting impressive fundraising hauls and padding their war-chests – showing the enthusiasm that exists for Democrats’ work in the Senate to lower costs, cut taxes, and stand up to McConnell and the big corporations who are spiking costs.

  • NH – WMUR: Sen. Hassan posts record-breaking fundraising haul for first quarter. “Hassan is posting a record-breaking $4.3 million fundraising haul for the 1st quarter of 2022, a figure her campaign says is the most in New Hampshire history for this particular quarter and the third highest quarterly haul all-time, ranking behind only the final two reports of Hassan’s senate campaign in 2016.”

DEM STATE PARTIES LAUNCH NEW VIDEOS SLAMMING GOP SENATE CANDIDATES. This week, Nevada Democratic Victory and the Arizona Democratic Party both put out new videos highlighting how Republicans are stuck with weak candidates and chaotic primaries.

NEVADA DEMOCRATIC VICTORY PARTY: “Sleazy Adam Laxalt Caught Lying To Nevadans. Again.” Nevada Democratic Victory released a new video highlighting how sleazy, corrupt politician Adam Laxalt is the real “elite.”

→  ARIZONA DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Arizona Democrats Introduce The GOP Senate Candidates. The GOP Senate primary ballot is officially set — and the Arizona Democratic Party is marking the occasion by releasing a new digital video to introduce Arizona voters to the “decidedly weak” field of “lesser-known Republicans.”

GROWING GRANITE STATE FIELD – TRUMP ADVISOR PREDICTS GOP PRIMARY WILL GET EVEN MORE CROWDED. Trump’s disgraced advisor Corey Lewandowski signaled this week that the NH GOP Senate field is not complete yet – ensuring this already crowded field of ‘b-tier’ candidates will get even more chaotic.

  • NH Journal: NH GOP Insiders Expect More Candidates to Jump Into Senate Race — Soon. “‘I can tell you that the president has not endorsed anybody in that race,’ Lewandowski said Tuesday. ‘He has not yet made a decision about what he’s going to do in that race. But I don’t believe that field is completed yet because I think there’s still more opportunity there.’”

COLORADO COLLISION COURSE – GOP SENATE CANDIDATES EMBRACE THE BIG LIE. Colorado’s GOP Senate candidates are facing a wave of news coverage highlighting how their continued embrace of the Big Lie is clashing with their hopes for winning in November – as even the former chair of the Colorado GOP frets they’ll nominate an extreme candidate and “can kiss this election goodbye.”

  • Bloomberg: Colorado Senate Race Primed for Pivot Point at GOP Convention. “Hanks has continued to emphasize election fraud claims in the run-up to the Republican assembly. He appeared Tuesday at the state Capitol in Denver at an “Election Truth Rally” with Mike Lindell, founder of My Pillow Inc., who’s spent millions of dollars seeking to bolster Trump’s unproven claims of fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Hanks also attended Trump’s Jan. 6 rally in Washington and marched to the Capitol, but Colorado House leaders of both parties said there’s no evidence he did anything illegal.”

Democrats are taking action on voters’ most pressing priorities: growing good paying American jobs and improving our supply chains by rebuilding our bridges and infrastructure.


AZ – Arizona Republic: Brnovich discloses ‘interim’ findings of civil election probe, angering some Republicans. “But, that was Brnovich when he still was acting like an actual attorney general and before he decided to use his elected office almost exclusively to promote his campaign for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate.”

FL – News Press (Opinion): Rubio putting own political agenda ahead of helping Ukraine. “Our senior Senator, Marco Rubio, has put his own political agenda ahead of supporting Ukraine.”

NV – KVVU Fox 5 Las Vegas (VIDEO): “Nevada Senator Catherine Cortez Masto was in Las Vegas to highlight new legislation aimed at stopping human trafficking… she says being able to recognize the signs will go a long way towards saving victims.”

NV – Las Vegas Review Journal (Opinion): Elite Laxalt denounces … the elites? “In denouncing elites, Laxalt is obviously denouncing himself, a point that has been made repeatedly elsewhere. But it bears scrutiny again: Laxalt is the grandson of a former Nevada governor and U.S. senator, Paul Laxalt, who was one of Ronald Reagan’s best friends. He’s the son of another U.S. senator, the late Pete Domenici of New Mexico.”

OH – WLWT: GOP candidates face off in Ohio U.S. Senate Primary debate. “There was more political blood on the Republican ground tonight. It came during a debate between the five candidates for the Republican U. S. Senate nomination.”

WI – UpNorthNews: Ron Johnson’s Record on Aid to Ukraine Mirrors His Inconsistent Approach to Spending. “The Republican Senator has voted against providing help five different times, often citing deficit concerns that don’t seem apparent when passing budget-busting tax favors.”


David Bergstein

Amanda Sherman

Pat Burgwinkle

Nora Keefe

Freedom Murphy

Eli Cousin

Claire Berry


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