

DSCC HITS THE AIRWAVES ACROSS BATTLEGROUND STATES WITH AD “ONSLAUGHT AGAINST GOP OPPONENTS” → The DSCC launched its first independent expenditure advertising in the Arizona, Michigan, Montana, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin Senate races. The advertisements are part of the DSCC’s previously announced $79 million advertising plan. Read coverage of the DSCC’s ads here and WATCH:

  • Wisconsin: “OC” 

REVOLVIN’ DOOR ROGERS’ ROUGH START→ Mike Rogers has had a rough start to the general election as his record of selling out Michiganders is under a spotlight: 

  • The New York Times details how “since leaving Congress, [Rogers] has loosened his connection to Michigan, moving to Florida and registering to vote in Coral Gables” and how he faces criticism for being “an out-of-touch lobbyist who cashed in on his ties to Capitol Hill for foreign governments.”
  • The Detroit Free Press reports that Rogers refused to “answer whether he believes the 2020 election was fair, and wouldn’t promise to defend the voting rights of the Detroiters he hopes to represent.”
  • The Detroit Free Press highlights how Rogers is facing backlash for “attempts to block and repeal the Affordable Care Act and his support for trade deals which many workers found harmful to domestic manufacturing during his tenure.”
  • READ MORE: What you need to know about Rogers cashing in on the favors he did for special interests while Michiganders pay the price.

ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF CHIPS AND SCIENCE ACT, DSCC BLASTS GOP CANDIDATES WHO HAVE GOTTEN RICH THROUGH TIES TO CHINA→ On the second anniversary of Senate Democrats’ bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act being signed into law, the DSCC highlights that “while Senate Republicans are pushing candidates who have gotten rich by outsourcing jobs and through ties to our foreign competitors like China, this legislation is a demonstration of how Senate Democrats are fighting for the priorities that matter most to American workers.”

MCCORMICK PROFITS ON FENTANYL → While Keystone Newsroom reports on a new ad highlighting that David “McCormick’s company invested $1.7 million in China’s largest fentanyl producer,” LancasterOnline highlights how Bob Casey “delivered a hopeful message regarding the national fight against fentanyl trafficking.” See what Pennsylvanians are reading and saying

  • Scranton Mayor Cognetti on WILK Radio: “[McCormick] has created wealth by investing in fentanyl…in China of all places. And that fentanyl has come here. So it’s so disingenuous to try to have all of those things be true at the same time.”
  • Mitch Kates on WCHE Radio: “While he was profiting off of his investments with his hedge fund, thousands of Pennsylvanians and frankly, tens of thousands of people across this country were dying while he was profiting. I think that’s shameful.”


  • The Houston Chronicle reports that “in assessing 250 members of the Senate since 1993…Cruz [ranked] as the 245th most bipartisan,” making him one of the most partisan Senators of the 21st century, all while “public polling shows Cruz has particularly high negative job approval ratings among independent voters, a group that is mostly likely to be swayed by a bipartisan message.” 
  • The San Antonio Express-News reports that Cruz is one of “the most partisan senators in Congress” who analysts say will “tailor his messaging to whichever voting bloc he believes will help him win another term,” ranking “89th out of 98 senators for their bipartisan record.”

NO COMMENT CRUZ LETS “ANTI-ABORTION” RECORD SPEAK FOR ITSELF → The San Antonio Express-News highlights that “Cruz, who is staunchly anti-abortion, has expressed support for Texas’ law that only has an exception in cases where the patient’s life is at risk” and previously said “that states should be allowed to ban abortion without exceptions for rape and incest.” When asked to comment, Cruz “declined multiple requests to answer questions.”

THE FEDS “[CALL] INTO QUESTION” CRUZ’S “TENS OF THOUSANDS” IN “ILLEGAL DONATIONS” →  The FEC wants Cruz “to explain or return tens of thousands of dollars in recent campaign contributions that appear to violate federal legal limits,” an inquiry that comes after “watchdog groups have filed at least two complaints with the FEC arguing” Cruz’s “syndication deal…breaks federal campaign finance laws,” the San Antonio Current reports. 

OHIO’S “FAT CAT” IS OUT OF THE BAG → Bernie Moreno had a cat-astrophe of a week as Ohioans called him out for his record “stiffing workers” with a giant, inflatable fat cat. Moreno was not a-mew-sed by the display. See for yourself:

  • Medina Gazette: “While Moreno was inside speaking, several Medina County Democratic Party members and Ohio Democratic Party supporters gathered outside in the parking lot with an inflatable ‘fat cat,’ many with signs in hand reading, ‘Bernie Moreno screwed over workers,’ ‘Bernie Moreno stiffed his employees’ and ‘Bernie Moreno shredded evidence.’” 
  • “During an otherwise quiet morning in Chillicothe, a 40-foot bus with Bernie Moreno’s face plastered on it was parked around the corner from a tethered-down giant inflatable cigar-smoking cat.”
  • Ohio Capital Journal: “Across the street, Democrats had set up a 15-foot inflatable ‘fat cat.’” 
  • Fox 8: “But more than 20 protestors and supporters of Sen. Sherrod Brown who were also gathered in the parking lot near a giant blown up symbolic ‘fat cat’ disagreed.”
  • Henry Gomez, NBC: “And here was the scene outside, where the Ohio Democratic Party staged an inflatable ‘fat cat’ to troll Moreno, a wealthy businessman.”

AND RIGHT ON CUE… REVELATION MORENO FACED ANOTHER LAWSUIT FOR STIFFING WORKERS → Both Ohio Capital Journal and detailed “another wage theft lawsuit against” Moreno as “the latest in a string of several years-old employee lawsuits.” According to the report, “Moreno was sued by an employee who said he was stiffed out of money that Moreno personally promised him” and that “the company retaliated by firing him” and “then improperly altered” the “termination document” to get away with it.

THE COMPANY YOU KEEP (AND CAMPAIGN WITH): THE MCCORMICK EDITION → In the “latest example of McCormick surrounding himself with far-right extremists,” Heartland Signal reports that “David McCormick will attend a conference…hosted by far-right radio host and blogger Erick Erickson, who has a history of using inflammatory rhetoric about abortion and women” including comparing Planned Parenthood to a “Nazi concentration camp, calling the organization ‘our Auschwitz.’” 

THE COMPANY YOU KEEP (AND CAMPAIGN WITH): THE SHEEHY EDITION → Reporting from the Montana Independent reveals Tim Sheehy’s endorsers Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) – who Sheehy is campaigning with later this month – advocated for shuttering rural veterans’ clinics in Montana.

THE COMPANY YOU KEEP (AND CAMPAIGN WITH): THE HOGAN EDITION → The New Jersey Globe reported Larry Hogan planned a “high-dollar fundraiser” with “New Jersey Republican State Chairman Bob Hugin” who has “faced intense criticism over his leadership of…a pharmaceutical company that doubled the price of a life-saving cancer drug.” The report also details that Hugin’s “family foundation has contributed to the Heritage Foundation,” and that he “once had strong ties to Donald Trump.” Hogan’s campaign suspiciously removed the event with Hugin from its fundraising page hours after the New Jersey Globe story was published. 

HOME IS WHERE THE…OUT-OF-STATE, MULTI MILLION DOLLAR HOUSE IS → CT Insider reports on McCormick’s “longstanding ties to Connecticut’s Gold Coast,” having “lived in Connecticut” in a home “valued in the millions of dollars” “until just a few years ago” despite running for a Senate seat in Pennsylvania. 


  • MCCORMICK’S COMPANY “INVEST[ED] IN CHINA’S MILITARY” → A fact check by WGAL finds it “true” that “McCormick invest[ed] in China’s military,” reporting that “the hedge fund Dave McCormick led poured money into companies that build missiles and bombers for China’s military.”
  • WISCONSINITES WOULD LOSE HEALTH INSURANCE IF HOVDE HAS HIS WAY → A fact check by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel finds that Eric Hovde “supported repealing” the ACA several times, responding “Oh, 100%” when asked “would you want to repeal the Affordable Care Act?” and another time saying that “he’d repeal the ACA ‘in its entirety.’”

HYPOCRITE HOVDE PUTS ELECTRIC VEHICLES ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK, BUT ONLY AFTER CASHING OUT HuffPost reports that while “railing against electric vehicles,” Eric Hovde has been “slamming an EV industry that he’s personally profited from” after “rak[ing] in as much as $5.26 million in capital gains from investments in EVs.”

SHADY SHEEHY’S COMPANY CONTINUES TO LOBBY CONGRESS → Reporting by POLITICO details Tim Sheehy’s deep ties to lobbyists, finding that his “old company Bridger Aerospace — which he is the largest shareholder of — is still lobbying Congress” and that “the company’s biggest customer is the federal government.”

CHECK THE MATH: SHEEHY’S BUSINESS BRAGS “DON’T ADD UP”NBC News writes that while Sheehy “has touted his business savvy” on the campaign trail, “recent events at his company tell a more nuanced story and raise questions about the firm’s viability, its executive pay and its efforts to obtain government contracts,” reporting that “Sheehy’s claims of business feats don’t add up.” 

SHEEHY’S OFFENSIVE DIGITAL FOOTPRINT → The Daily Montanan reveals that “Jewish leaders in Montana [are] concerned about Sheehy” due to “two social media messages” he posted that “revive old antisemitic tropes of Jewish conspiracy.”

🗞️ EXTRA, EXTRA! SHEEHY’S TOXIC POLICIES GET FULL PAGE→ This morning, Montanans are reading about “Sheehy’s plan” to close “49 rural MT hospitals” and “return health care to pure privatization” on the front page of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle

MONTANA REPUBLICANS BACKING TESTER NBC Montana reports that “a number of Montana Republicans are supporting U.S. Sen. Jon Tester’s reelection bid with the newly formed group Republicans for Tester” that has “more than 100 founding members,” resulting in wide news media coverage


  • FORMER MCCAIN AIDES BACK GALLEGO → The Arizona Republic reports that “former aides of John McCain” are also “throw[ing] support to Democratic Senate candidate Ruben Gallego” – news that comes around the anniversary of Kari Lake bragging that she “drove a stake through the heart of the McCain machine.”



  • Montanans for Tester released a series of new ads detailing how Tim Sheehy wants to take away reproductive freedom, the right to privacy, and would let politicians ban abortion – even to save a woman’s life and health. Watch: “Devastated,” “Decision,” and “50 Years Ago.
  • Angela Alsobrooks released a new ad highlighting her work cutting crime and working with law enforcement officers to help keep our families safe.  

  • Tammy Baldwin’s new ad, “Poison,” highlights Senator Baldwin’s work to pass the PACT Act, which expanded VA health care and benefits to more than 3.5 million veterans who were exposed to toxic burn pits during their service.

  • Bob Casey’s campaign released a new ad, “Brianna,” highlighting Senator Casey’s fight to address the fentanyl crisis. 

  • Colin Allred released “Right Here,” highlighting Allred’s background as a fourth-generation Texan raised by a single mom in Dallas and how he will serve Texas in the Senate.



 David Bergstein 

Amanda Sherman Baity

Maeve Coyle 

Tommy Garcia 

Annie Lentz

Emily Benson 

Julia Ferrara 

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