
DSCC, DNC Chairs Call Out Republican Agenda: Tax Hikes and Higher Health Care Costs

Today, DSCC Chair Gary Peters and DNC Chair Jaime Harrison held a virtual press conference to call out Republicans for their agenda that would raise taxes on half of Americans, including seniors and working families – and could also spike health care costs and strip away protections from more than 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions.

The call follows the release of NRSC Chair Senator Rick Scott’s plan for Senate Republicans that would raise taxes on “over half of Americans,” and Senator Johnson’s recent pledge to once again fight to overturn the Affordable Care Act if Republicans win the Senate majority.

“It’s pretty clear the agenda that they’re putting forward – which is to actually increase taxes on half of Americans,” said DSCC Chair Gary Peters. “As Senate Democrats we’re going to continue to fight to lower costs for people in this country and to make sure that we’re lowering taxes… It is what Democrats have done in the past, and what we’ll continue to do – and we’re going to campaign hard on that in the election.”

“As our country comes out of a pandemic, Republicans’ official agenda is to rip health care away from millions of Americans, those with pre-existing conditions. And they’re gonna do nothing to lower prescription drug prices. Folks, this isn’t just despicable. It’s downright cruel, and we won’t let them get away with it. While Republicans are pushing their agenda of tax hikes and higher premiums, Joe Biden and Democrats in the House and the Senate are fighting to lower costs and deliver wins for hard-working Americans,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison.

“Why again are Ron Johnson and his Republican colleagues hyper-focused on repealing our ability to obtain quality, affordable health care for people, parents, and individuals like me who worry about paying for these life-saving medical treatments every single day?” said Dustin Klein, lifelong Milwaukee area resident and health care advocate. “If Republicans are allowed to retake the Senate, it’s going to mean life-time caps coming back, it’s going to mean higher premiums for individuals for their health care, it’s going to mean health care discrimination policies… we cannot let that happen.”

The DSCC has also released a five-figure radio ad campaign and a Fact Sheet on Senate Republicans’ plan to spike taxes.


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