
DSCC, DCCC, Hegar Campaign Intervene as Republicans Attempt to Toss Out 100,000 Texans’ Drive-Thru Ballots

Republicans Seek to Throw Election Into Chaos, Invalidate the Votes of More Than 100,000 Texans 

On Friday, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and MJ Hegar for Texas filed suit in the United States District Court in the Southern District of Texas. Democrats are urging the court to take swift action to block a Republican suit that, if successful, would invalidate the votes of 100,000 eligible Texas voters who cast their ballots at drive-thru voting locations. This clear Republican voter suppression tactic would throw this election in chaos after voters utilized Drive-Thru voting locations at the invitation of county officials and in reliance of the Texas Supreme Court’s decision to allow Drive-Thru voting to occur.

Democrats’ ‘Motion to Intervene’ reminds the Court that:

  • Harris County’s drive-thru voting was approved by the Texas Secretary of State and has been used by over 100,000 Texas voters. Harris County’s Drive-Thru voting program was approved by the Texas Secretary of State this summer and successfully piloted during Texas primaries, and was reported as a resounding success. Since October 2020, more than 100,000 eligible Texas voters have used the program.
  • Nearly identical litigation has already been rejected by the Texas Supreme Court and identical litigation—by the same plaintiffs—is currently pending before the Texas Supreme Court. Republican plaintiffs have already unsuccessfully brought this case before the Texas Supreme Court where it was rejected and is expected to be rejected again. The issue remains pending in the Texas Supreme Court. 

Democrats are requesting an urgent resolution as the votes and integrity of this election, just days away from Election Day, is on the line. 

Statement from DCCC Chairwoman Rep. Cheri Bustos

“Four days out from an election, Texas Republicans are using dirty political tricks to attempt to silence the voices of 100,000 Texans. This egregious attack on democracy cannot stand. We will not stop fighting partisan attacks on Texas voters because we must protect the right for all to be heard for this election to be free and fair. During a surging pandemic, and amid the final days of an election, no voter should be concerned that their vote will be in jeopardy.”

Statement from DSCC Chairwoman Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto

“In the middle of a public health and economic crisis, the last thing people should worry about is whether their vote will count. We’ll fight this and any Republican-led effort to suppress Texans’ vote, and ensure the ballots cast at drive-thru locations remain valid.”

Statement from MJ Hegar for Texas 

“A record breaking 9 million Texans have come out to cast their ballots to date, proving that together we are more powerful than those who are doing everything in their power to stop us. The naked attempt to silence the voices of 100,000 Houstonians will not be tolerated, and we are going to fight like hell to ensure their votes are counted.”


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