
DEBATE RECAP: Republicans Crumbled Under Scrutiny As Democratic Challengers Held Them Accountable

After months of Senate debates across the country, one thing is clear: Republicans lost across the board, crumbling under scrutiny and failing to make convincing arguments for why they deserve to be re-elected. As the news coverage reflected, Republican incumbents put in weak performances, were on the “defensive” and had to “duck” and “evade” questions about their health care records, their mishandling of the coronavirus, and their failure to stand up to the president.

From Alaska to Maine, Republicans were grilled for their failure to present a health care plan that would protect people with pre-existing conditions if the GOP lawsuit succeeds in overturning the Affordable Care Act.

As the election approaches, Republicans are so afraid of facing tough questions about their toxic records that they’re pulling out of the remaining debates, not showing up, or just refusing to participate altogether –– as one columnist bluntly put it: “Republican Senate candidates are chickening out of their debates.”

Here are the highlights (and lowlights) from this cycle’s Senate debates:

ALASKA: Senator Sullivan was asked about health care. His response? Who, me? 

ARIZONA: Unelected Senator McSally refused to say whether she’s proud to work with President Trump


COLORADO: Senator Gardner said Donald Trump is a moral and ethical man


GEORGIA: Jon Ossoff took Senator Perdue to task for prioritizing his personal stock portfolio over preparing the public during a deadly pandemic and voting to gut health care for Georgians

GEORGIA (SPECIAL): Unelected Senator Loeffler does not disagree with President Trump on… anything

IOWA: Senator Ernst’s #SoybeanScandal is still haunting her

While Theresa Greenfield nailed the question

KANSAS: Dr. Bollier repudiated Congressman Marshall for recklessly ignoring public health guidelines in the middle of a pandemic

MAINE: Senator Collins refused to say if she believes Trump deserves another term

And Sara Gideon held her accountable for confirming 181 Trump/McConnell judges

MONTANA: Senator Daines told Montanans not to worry about his lawsuit to overturn the ACA because maybe it won’t succeed

NORTH CAROLINA: Cal Cunningham called out Senator Tillis for being nothing more than a rubber stamp for McConnell and Trump

SOUTH CAROLINA: Jaime Harrison used Senator Graham’s own words against him 

TEXAS: MJ Hegar set the record straight on exactly who Senator Cornyn is running against


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