
Anti-Vaxxer Josh Mandel Pushes Self-Serving Conspiracy Theories About “Stolen” Election, Would Have Voted to Overturn Electoral College Results

Failed candidate and corrupt politician Josh Mandel just launched his third campaign for the U.S. Senate in Ohio yesterday — and he’s already pushing a series of reckless conspiracy theories for his own self-serving political benefit as he tries to position himself for what will be an “expensive, noisy,” “crowded and nasty” Republican primary.

In a media blitz yesterday, the twice-failed Senate candidate embraced wildly irresponsible positions ranging from dangerous anti-public health skepticism about the COVID-19 vaccine to the obviously false assertion that Donald Trump won the 2020 election. Mandel refused to say if he’ll take the COVID-19 vaccine and pushed harmful anti-public health rhetoric, admitted that he would have joined Senator Ted Cruz and NRSC Chair Rick Scott in voting to overturn November’s election results, and even argued that the election was “stolen” from Trump, aligning himself with the irresponsible conspiracy theories that led to last month’s deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

“It’s been one day and Josh Mandel has already confirmed again that his Senate candidacy will continue a years-long pattern of embracing dangerous conspiracy theories and personal scandals to put himself and his own political interests first at Ohio’s expense,” said DSCC spokesperson Stewart Boss.

Take a look at Mandel’s conspiracy-filled media blitz:

  • Cincinnati Enquirer: Mandel said he contracted COVID-19 last year, leading to a bad cold and losing his sense of taste. He hasn’t yet decided if he’ll receive the COVID-19 vaccine. “I’m a strong believer in individual liberty and personal freedom and it should be up to every individual to choose what’s best for them.”
  • POLITICO: He said he would have sided with other Republican senators’ objections to the certification of the Electoral College.”If I was a United States senator, I would have been standing with Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Rick Scott in holding up the certification of the election,” Mandel said.
  • WKYC: Mandel said time will prove that Trump won the election. “I think over time, we’re going to see studies come out that evidence widespread fraud,” he claimed. “You know, what you see with any type of fraud, it usually takes time to investigate it and to dig it out, and it might be months, it might be years, it might be decades. But I think when we look back on this election, we’ll see in large part that it was stolen from President Trump.”


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Twice Failed Senate Candidate Josh Mandel Running AGAIN Means “Expensive, Noisy Primary” For Ohio Republicans

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