
ICYMI: DSCC Communications Director Highlights How GOP Senate Candidates Are “Threatening Women’s Reproductive Freedom” on SiriusXM Radio

Visit to see Senate Republican candidates’ records opposing women’s right to make their own health care decisions.

POLITICO: Senate Democratic campaign arm launches ads on anniversary of Dobbs decision.

Axios: Senate Dem campaigns ready abortion rights blitz.

Following the second anniversary of the Republican Supreme Court’s decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) Communications Director David Bergstein joined SiriusXM’s “The Laura Coates Show” to discuss how “every Republican Senate candidate is on record, on video threatening women’s reproductive freedom” and pushing an “agenda that’s totally out of step with the voters that are going to decide Senate elections in battleground states.”

SiriusXM: The Laura Coates Show
June 25, 2024

  • Laura Coates: Monday marked the two years since the Dobbs decision came down. This issue of reproductive freedom and rights, how do you see this playing into the decision for voters to turn out? 
  • David Bergstein: We think reproductive freedom is going to be one of the most significant and defining issues of Senate elections this cycle. The truth is that since Roe v. Wade was overturned, a woman’s right to make her own medical decisions, her own decisions about her family and her health care, it’s been under constant attack. What we see in the roster of recruits that Republicans have put forward to run for Senate is that every Republican Senate candidate is on record, on video threatening women’s reproductive freedom. And so as long as they are on the ballot, a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions is going to be under threat, and that’s why they’re going to be defeated in November. 
  • Laura Coates: Now that Dobbs has come down and Roe v. Wade has been overturned, are you seeing a greater need to help voters understand, frankly, that this continues to be something that could be changed?
  • David Bergstein: No, really, we are seeing the opposite. In fact, since the Republican overturn of Roe v. Wade, what we’ve seen is that the consequences and the implications of that decision have sparked never-ending developments and threats to women’s reproductive freedom. If you look at some of the stories that are out there, places like Texas, Arizona, really, across the country, the stories of women and families that are dealing with the incredible, difficult circumstances that have been brought by the overturn of Roe v. Wade are remaining front and center for voters minds. They’re seeing these stories every day on their news. They’re reading about them, and they’re grappling with them in their own lives as well. And so if anything, when we listen to voters, we hear heightened concerns about the continued threats that women’s rights and reproductive freedoms are facing since this decision.
  • Laura Coates: When you look at the second anniversary of this decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, it’s expanded beyond conversations of access to abortion and reproductive rights. Whether it’s conversations about IVF or conversations surrounding medications and beyond. Are you finding that that is translating for voters? 
  • David Bergstein: Absolutely. I think what we’re seeing is that voters are concerned that all elements of their reproductive freedom, that many different freedoms and rights that women took for granted or assumed they had to make choices about their own medical care, how they would start or grow or change their families, they’re all at stake now as a result of the overturn of Roe v. Wade. And what we’ve seen is that Republican Senate candidates are not only on the record celebrating the overturn of Roe v. Wade — pushing for a national ban on abortion without in many cases, exceptions for rape and incest — but they’re also threatening and opposing basic medical services like access to contraception or even access to IVF treatments. That’s an agenda that’s totally out of step with the voters that are going to decide Senate elections in battleground states.

See also:; WHAT THEY’RE SAYING: DSCC Releases “Ad Blitz” “Targeting GOP Senate Candidates’ Records on Reproductive Rights”; Axios: Senate Dem campaigns ready abortion rights blitz; HuffPost: GOP Senate Recruits Back The Same Extreme Abortion Positions That Cost The Party In 2022


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WHAT THEY’RE SAYING: DSCC Releases “Ad Blitz” “Targeting GOP Senate Candidates’ Records on Reproductive Rights”

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